《Tim Cook》 阅读笔记

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2021-03-02 11:14


这本书的副标题是:The Genius Who Took Apple to the Next Level,读完后我也觉得Cook是个天才(genius),甚至对他的仰慕超过了Jobs。Jobs是个产品设计天才,而Cook就是幕后的运营和管理专家。这本书对Cook的描写大都取材于公开的材料。不像<乔布斯传>的作者,因为是乔布斯指定的传记作者,所以有很多"八卦"或者说个人生活细节方面的内容。所以如果想通过本书获得"内幕"的要有点失望了,但是一本不错的了解Cook的成长经历以及后乔布斯时期的Apple公司的书。

Cook出生和成长于美国南方,大学毕业于Auburn University(奥本大学),在IBM工作期间利用公司福利政策读了Duke University(杜克大学)的MBA(此处不得不感叹这种福利太给力了)。1998年加入苹果公司,书中说雇佣Cook是 “one of the best hires Jobs ever made". Jobs病重后两次担任临时CEO,并在Jobs去世前几个月被正式任命为CEO。库克作为CEO的前几年是饱受质疑的,人们不相信没了乔布斯的苹果公司还可以继续保持创新,但库克用实力证明了自己。书中说"Cook's Apple is crushing the competition in almost every way"。

Cook治理下的苹果公司更加包容,他们的6个核心价值观(core values)是:

  • Accessibility
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Inclusion and diversity
  • Privacy and security
  • Supplier responsibility

其中的很多东西适合企业盈利冲突的,比如为残疾人服务的Accessibility,库克就承认这是一个亏本买卖,但他并不介意。书中说“Cook even acknowledged that making products accessible can be a money loser, but he doesn't care".

关于Environment,苹果现在已经实现了"100 percent renewable",这在苹果这种体量的公司中是很难做到的,并且更重要的是苹果将这一目标扩展到供应商中:"they are the only company who have extended their 100 percent renewable commitment to also include their suppliers."

关于Inclusion and diversity,库克认为diversity(多样性)可以激发创新。所以苹果在不断提高团队中少数族群(如黑种人,女性,残疾人等)的比例。

关于Privacy and security,最著名的例子就是苹果大战FBI。他做好了将案件打到最高法院的准备,"He said he was prepared to take the fight all the way to the Supreme Court",这件事情的最终结局是FBI通过一家以色列的公司解开了嫌疑人的手机,但库克觉得有些遗憾,"Cook was personally disappointed that the case didn't come to trial. Even though Apple had 'won' and wouldn't be forced to create the backdoor, nothing had really been resolved". 这里可以看出Cook是为真理而战,而非单纯的商业利益。

关于Supplier responsibility,我觉得苹果公司是很少的将很多我觉得是属于供应商本身的责任也揽起来的公司。比如2010年左右发生的多起富士康员工跳楼事件,很多美国媒体将矛头指向了苹果,说"When you look down at the Apple phone you are using in your hand and you swipe it with your finger is it possible that you can feel as if it is no longer a beautiful scren to show off, but the life and blood of us employees and victims?"。供应商的问题到底归不归苹果管,我觉得这件事见仁见智,但苹果公司最终承担起了更多的责任,帮助供应商一起改善环境、员工福利等问题,我觉得还是比较佩服的。

书中关于Cook个人的事情描述的不多,因为他本人是非常注重隐私的一个人,他希望外界更加关注苹果公司以及他们创造出的产品,而尽量少关注他个人的事情。但是他在2014年公开发表了一篇文章<Tim Cook Speaks Up[1]>, "I don’t consider myself an activist, but I realize how much I’ve benefited from the sacrifice of others. So if hearing that the CEO of Apple is gay can help someone struggling to come to terms with who he or she is, or bring comfort to anyone who feels alone, or inspire people to insist on their equality, then it’s worth the trade-off with my own privacy."。当时读到这段话非常震撼,这里翻译一下:"我不觉得自己是一个活动家,但是我意识到自己在其他人的牺牲下得到很多好处。所以,如果你听到Apple的CEO是一个同性恋会让某个人接受自己,或者让某些孤独的人感到抚慰,或者鼓舞人们坚持他们的平等性,那么付出一些我个人的隐私也是值得的。"

作为乔布斯的继任者,很多人会拿库克和乔布斯作比较。Cook是最好的苹果CEO吗?书中认为其实在很早之前Cook已经是作为苹果CEO的角色在工作了,而Jobs更多是作为"chief product officer"。"Steve Jobs was never really a CEO,He was always the head of product." 但是作为苹果这样体量的跨国公司,产品设计已经不是最重要的。"But what many may not realize is that what matters most at a mature company like Apple is not the products but rather the logistics - an efficient supply chain, distributions, finance, and marketing. And Cook has proven his talents for all of these." 所以我觉得作为CEO的角色,库克肯定是合格的,甚至是超过Jobs的。



Tim Cook Speaks Up: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-10-30/tim-cook-speaks-up

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