初学者指南:使用 Numpy、Keras 和 PyTorch 实现最简单的机器学习模型线性回归
来源:DeepHub IMBA 本文约5100字,建议阅读10分钟
本文将使用 Python 中最著名的三个模块来实现一个简单的线性回归模型。
Keras:TensorFlow 的高级接口。它也用于支持和实现深度学习模型和浅层模型。它是由谷歌工程师开发的;
PyTorch:基于 Torch 的深度学习框架。它是由 Facebook 开发的。
所有这些模块都是开源的。Keras 和 PyTorch 都支持使用 GPU 来加快执行速度。
Numpy 实现
# Numpy is needed to build the model
import numpy as np
# Import the module matplotlib for visualizing the data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# We use this line to make the code reproducible (to get the same results when running)
# First, we should declare a variable containing the size of the training set we want to generate
observations = 1000
# Let us assume we have the following relationship
# y = 13x + 2
# y is the output and x is the input or feature
# We generate the feature randomly, drawing from an uniform distribution. There are 3 arguments of this method (low, high, size).
# The size of x is observations by 1. In this case: 1000 x 1.
x = np.random.uniform(low=-10, high=10, size=(observations,1))
# Let us print the shape of the feature vector
print (x.shape)
# We add a small noise to our function for more randomness
noise = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (observations,1))
# Produce the targets according to the f(x) = 13x + 2 + noise definition.
# This is a simple linear relationship with one weight and bias.
# In this way, we are basically saying: the weight is 13 and the bias is 2.
targets = 13*x + 2 + noise
# Check the shape of the targets just in case. It should be n x m, where n is the number of samples
# and m is the number of output variables, so 1000 x 1.
print (targets.shape)
# Plot x and targets
# Add labels to x axis and y axis
# Add title to the graph
# Show the plot
# We will initialize the weights and biases randomly within a small initial range.
# init_range is the variable that will measure that.
init_range = 0.1
# Weights are of size k x m, where k is the number of input variables and m is the number of output variables
# In our case, the weights matrix is 1 x 1, since there is only one input (x) and one output (y)
weights = np.random.uniform(low=-init_range, high=init_range, size=(1, 1))
# Biases are of size 1 since there is only 1 output. The bias is a scalar.
biases = np.random.uniform(low=-init_range, high=init_range, size=1)
# Print the weights to get a sense of how they were initialized.
# You can see that they are far from the actual values.
print (weights)
print (biases)
# Set some small learning rate
# 0.02 is going to work quite well for our example. Once again, you can play around with it.
# It is HIGHLY recommended that you play around with it.
learning_rate = 0.02
# We iterate over our training dataset 100 times. That works well with a learning rate of 0.02.
# We call these iteration epochs.
# Let us define a variable to store the loss of each epoch.
losses = []
for i in range (100):
# This is the linear model: y = xw + b equation
outputs = np.dot(x,weights) + biases
# The deltas are the differences between the outputs and the targets
# Note that deltas here is a vector 1000 x 1
deltas = outputs - targets
# We are considering the L2-norm loss as our loss function (regression problem), but divided by 2.
# Moreover, we further divide it by the number of observations to take the mean of the L2-norm.
loss = np.sum(deltas ** 2) / 2 / observations
# We print the loss function value at each step so we can observe whether it is decreasing as desired.
print (loss)
# Add the loss to the list
# Another small trick is to scale the deltas the same way as the loss function
# In this way our learning rate is independent of the number of samples (observations).
# Again, this doesn't change anything in principle, it simply makes it easier to pick a single learning rate
# that can remain the same if we change the number of training samples (observations).
deltas_scaled = deltas / observations
# Finally, we must apply the gradient descent update rules.
# The weights are 1 x 1, learning rate is 1 x 1 (scalar), inputs are 1000 x 1, and deltas_scaled are 1000 x 1
# We must transpose the inputs so that we get an allowed operation.
weights = weights - learning_rate * np.dot(x.T,deltas_scaled)
biases = biases - learning_rate * np.sum(deltas_scaled)
# The weights are updated in a linear algebraic way (a matrix minus another matrix)
# The biases, however, are just a single number here, so we must transform the deltas into a scalar.
# The two lines are both consistent with the gradient descent methodology.
# Plot epochs and losses
# Add labels to x axis and y axis
# Add title to the graph
# Show the plot
# The curve is decreasing in each epoch, which is what we need
# After several epochs, we can see that the curve is flattened.
# This means the algorithm has converged and hence there are no significant updates
# or changes in the weights or biases.
# We print the real and predicted targets in order to see if they have a linear relationship.
# There is almost a total match between the real targets and predicted targets.
# This is a good signal of the success of our machine learning model.
plt.plot(outputs,targets, 'bo')
# We print the weights and the biases, so we can see if they have converged to what we wanted.
# We know that the real weight is 13 and the bias is 2
print (weights, biases)
[[13.09844702]] [1.73587336]
Keras 实现
# Numpy is needed to generate the data
import numpy as np
# Matplotlib is needed for visualization
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# TensorFlow is needed for model build
import tensorflow as tf
np.savez('TF_intro', inputs=x, targets=targets)
# Declare a variable where we will store the input size of our model
# It should be equal to the number of variables you have
input_size = 1
# Declare the output size of the model
# It should be equal to the number of outputs you've got (for regressions that's usually 1)
output_size = 1
# Outline the model
# We lay out the model in 'Sequential'
# Note that there are no calculations involved - we are just describing our network
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
# Each 'layer' is listed here
# The method 'Dense' indicates, our mathematical operation to be (xw + b)
tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(input_size , )),
# there are extra arguments you can include to customize your model
# in our case we are just trying to create a solution that is
# as close as possible to our NumPy model
# kernel here is just another name for the weight parameter
kernel_initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-0.1, maxval=0.1),
bias_initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-0.1, maxval=0.1)
# Print the structure of the model
# Load the training data from the NPZ
training_data = np.load('TF_intro.npz')
# We can also define a custom optimizer, where we can specify the learning rate
custom_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.02)
# 'compile' is the place where you select and indicate the optimizers and the loss
# Our loss here is the mean square error
model.compile(optimizer=custom_optimizer, loss='mse')
# finally we fit the model, indicating the inputs and targets
# if they are not otherwise specified the number of epochs will be 1 (a single epoch of training),
# so the number of epochs is 'kind of' mandatory, too
# we can play around with verbose; we prefer verbose=2
model.fit(training_data['inputs'], training_data['targets'], epochs=100, verbose=2)
我们可以在训练期间监控每个 epoch 的损失,看看是否一切正常。训练完成后,我们可以打印模型的参数。显然,模型已经收敛了与实际值非常接近的参数值。
# Extracting the weights and biases is achieved quite easily
# We can save the weights and biases in separate variables for easier examination
# Note that there can be hundreds or thousands of them!
weights = model.layers[0].get_weights()[0]
bias = model.layers[0].get_weights()[1]
(array([1.9999999], dtype=float32), array([[13.1]], dtype=float32))
PyTorch 实现
# Numpy is needed for data generation
import numpy as np
# Pytorch is needed for model build
import torch
# TensorDataset is needed to prepare the training data in form of tensors
from torch.utils.data import TensorDataset
# To run the model on either the CPU or GPU (if available)
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
# Since torch deals with tensors, we convert the numpy arrays into torch tensors
x_tensor = torch.from_numpy(x).float()
y_tensor = torch.from_numpy(targets).float()
# Combine the feature tensor and target tensor into torch dataset
train_data = TensorDataset(x_tensor , y_tensor)
# Initialize the seed to make the code reproducible
# This function is for model's parameters initialization
def init_weights(m):
if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Linear):
torch.nn.init.uniform_(m.weight , a = -0.1 , b = 0.1)
torch.nn.init.uniform_(m.bias , a = -0.1 , b = 0.1)
# Define the model using Sequential class
# It contains only a single linear layer with one input and one output
model = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(1 , 1)).to(device)
# Initialize the model's parameters using the defined function from above
# Print the model's parameters
# Specify the learning rate
lr = 0.02
# The loss function is the mean squared error
loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction = 'mean')
# The optimizer is the stochastic gradient descent with a certain learning rate
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters() , lr = lr)
我们将使用小批量梯度下降训练模型。DataLoader 负责从训练数据集创建批次。训练类似于keras的实现,但使用不同的语法。关于 Torch训练有几点补充:
模型和批次必须在同一设备(CPU 或 GPU)上。
始终记住在每个 epoch 之后将梯度归零以防止累积(对 epoch 的梯度求和),这会导致错误的值。
# DataLoader is needed for data batching
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
# Training dataset is converted into batches of size 16 samples each.
# Shuffling is enabled for randomizing the data
train_loader = DataLoader(train_data , batch_size = 16 , shuffle = True)
# A function for training the model
# It is a function of a function (How fancy)
def make_train_step(model , optimizer , loss_fn):
def train_step(x , y):
# Set the model to training mode
# Feedforward the model with the data (features) to obtain the predictions
yhat = model(x)
# Calculate the loss based on the predicted and actual targets
loss = loss_fn(y , yhat)
# Perform the backpropagation to find the gradients
# Update the parameters with the calculated gradients
# Set the gradients to zero to prevent accumulation
return loss.item()
return train_step
# Call the training function
train_step = make_train_step(model , optimizer , loss_fn)
# To store the loss of each epoch
losses = []
# Set the epochs to 100
epochs = 100
# Run the training function in each epoch on the batches of the data
# This is why we have two for loops
# Outer loop for epochs
# Inner loop for iterating through the training data batches
for epoch in range(epochs):
# To accumulate the losses of all batches within a single epoch
batch_loss = 0
for x_batch , y_batch in train_loader:
x_batch = x_batch.to(device)
y_batch = y_batch.to(device)
loss = train_step(x_batch , y_batch)
batch_loss = batch_loss + loss
# 63 is not a magic number. It is the number of batches in the training set
# we have 1000 samples and the batch size is 16 (defined in the DataLoader)
# 1000/16 = 63
epoch_loss = batch_loss / 63
# Print the parameters after the training is done
OrderedDict([('0.weight', tensor([[13.0287]], device='cuda:0')), ('0.bias', tensor([2.0096], device='cuda:0'))])
作为最后一步,我们可以绘制 epoch 上的训练损失以观察模型的性能。如图 6 所示。