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【导读】ACM SIGKDD(国际数据挖掘与知识发现大会,简称 KDD)是世界数据挖掘领域的最高级别的学术会议,由 ACM 的数据挖掘及知识发现专委会(SIGKDD)主办,被中国计算机协会推荐为 A 类会议。自 1995 年以来,KDD 已经连续举办了26届,今年将于2021年8月14日至18日举办,今年的会议主办地在新加坡。
Part A: 推理学习框架 Learning to reason framework (60 mins)
Reasoning as a prediction skill that can be learnt from data.
Question answering as zero-shot learning.
Neural network operations for learning to reason:
Concept-object binding.
Attention & transformers.
Dynamic neural networks, conditional computation & differentiable programming.
Reasoning as iterative representation refinement & query-driven program synthesis and execution.
Compositional attention networks.
Neural module networks.
Combinatorics reasoning.
Part B: 结构化与非结构化数据推理 Reasoning over unstructured and structured data (60 mins)
Cross-modality reasoning, the case of vision-language integration.
Reasoning as set-set interaction.
Query processing.
Context processing.
Conditional set functions.
Relational reasoning
Query-conditioned dynamic graph constructions
Reasoning over knowledge graphs.
Graph embedding.
Graph convolutional networks.
Graph attention.
Message passing.
Relation networks
Graph neural networks
Temporal reasoning
Video question answering.
Part C: 高级主题 Advanced topics (60 mins)
Reasoning with external memories
Memory of entities – memory-augmented neural networks
Memory of relations with tensors and graphs
Memory of programs & neural program construction.
Learning to reason with less labels:
Data augmentation with analogical and counterfactual examples
Question generation
Self-supervised learning for question answering
Learning with external knowledge graphs
Recursive reasoning with neural theory of mind.
Jacob Andreas, Marcus Rohrbach, Trevor Darrell, and Dan Klein. “Neural module networks”. In CVPR, pages 39–48, 2016.
Dzmitry Bahdanau, Shikhar Murty, Michael Noukhovitch, Thien Huu Nguyen, Harm de Vries, and Aaron Courville. “Systematic generalization: what is required and can it be learned?”, In ICLR, 2019.
Bottou, Léon. “From machine learning to machine reasoning”. Machine learning 94.2 (2014): 133-149.