ccqlMySQL 并行客户端
ccql 是 Github 官方开发的一个 MySQL 客户端工具,可以并行支持多个 MySQL 服务器,相当于同时在多个 MySQL 服务器上执行命令。
Usage of ccql:
-C string
Credentials file, expecting [client] scope, with 'user', 'password' fields. Overrides -u and -p
-H string
Hosts file, hostname[:port] comma or space or newline delimited format. If not given, hosts read from stdin
-Q string
Query/queries input file
-d string
Default schema to use (default "information_schema")
-h string
Comma or space delimited list of hosts in hostname[:port] format. If not given, hosts read from stdin
-m uint
Max concurrent connections (default 32)
-p string
MySQL password
-q string
Query/queries to execute
-s string
List of databases to query from; overrides -d, prints schema name to output
-t float
Connect timeout seconds
-u string
MySQL username (default OS user)