Lyft Motion Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/lyft-motion-prediction-autonomous-vehicles 比赛介绍:Build motion prediction models for self-driving vehicles 比赛类型: Featured
人数/队伍数/提交数:9801/794/9801 组队截止: 20201118
比赛截止: 20201125
Mechanisms of Action (MoA) Prediction
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/lish-moa 比赛介绍:Can you improve the algorithm that classifies drugs based on their biological activity? 比赛类型: Research
人数/队伍数/提交数:53225/3537/53225 组队截止: 20201123
比赛截止: 20201130
Conway's Reverse Game of Life 2020
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/conways-reverse-game-of-life-2020 比赛介绍:Reverse the arrow of time in the Game of Life 比赛类型: Playground
人数/队伍数/提交数:956/134/956 组队截止: 20201130
比赛截止: 20201130
Google Research Football with Manchester City F.C.
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/google-football 比赛介绍:Train agents to master the world's most popular sport 比赛类型: Featured
人数/队伍数/提交数:6500/939/6500 组队截止: 20201123
比赛截止: 20201130
CDP: Unlocking Climate Solutions
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/cdp-unlocking-climate-solutions 比赛介绍:City-Business Collaboration for a Sustainable Future 比赛类型: Analytics
人数/队伍数/提交数:0/0/0 组队截止: 20201202
比赛截止: 20201202
Hash Code Archive: Drone Delivery
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/hashcode-drone-delivery 比赛介绍:Can you help coordinate the drone delivery supply chain? 比赛类型: Playground
人数/队伍数/提交数:950/80/950 组队截止: 20201214
比赛截止: 20201214
INGV - Volcanic Eruption Prediction
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/predict-volcanic-eruptions-ingv-oe 比赛介绍:Discover hidden precursors in geophysical data to help emergency response 比赛类型: Playground
人数/队伍数/提交数:1839/208/1839 组队截止: 20201228
比赛截止: 20201228
Predict Future Sales
比赛链接:http://www.kaggle.com/c/competitive-data-science-predict-future-sales/ 比赛介绍:Final project for "How to win a data science competition" Coursera course 比赛类型: Playground
人数/队伍数/提交数:69956/7473/69956 组队截止: 20201231
比赛截止: 20201231
Predict Future Sales
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/competitive-data-science-predict-future-sales 比赛介绍:Final project for "How to win a data science competition" Coursera course 比赛类型: Playground
人数/队伍数/提交数:86323/9413/86323 组队截止: 20201231
比赛截止: 20201231
Halite by Two Sigma - Playground Edition
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/halite-iv-playground-edition 比赛介绍:Collect the most halite during your match in space 比赛类型: Playground
人数/队伍数/提交数:103/44/103 组队截止: 20201231
比赛截止: 20201231
NFL Big Data Bowl 2021
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/nfl-big-data-bowl-2021 比赛介绍:Help evaluate defensive performance on passing plays 比赛类型: Analytics
人数/队伍数/提交数:0/0/0 组队截止: 20210105
比赛截止: 20210105
Riiid! Answer Correctness Prediction
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/riiid-test-answer-prediction 比赛介绍:Track knowledge states of 1M+ students in the wild 比赛类型: Featured
人数/队伍数/提交数:13809/1522/13809 组队截止: 20201231
比赛截止: 20210107
Rock, Paper, Scissors
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/rock-paper-scissors 比赛介绍:Shoot! 比赛类型: Playground
人数/队伍数/提交数:1754/367/1754 组队截止: 20210201
比赛截止: 20210201
Digit Recognizer
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/digit-recognizer 比赛介绍:Learn computer vision fundamentals with the famous MNIST data 比赛类型: Getting Started
人数/队伍数/提交数:7560/2292/7560 组队截止: 20300101
比赛截止: 20300101
Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic 比赛介绍:Start here! Predict survival on the Titanic and get familiar with ML basics 比赛类型: Getting Started
人数/队伍数/提交数:83122/17720/83122 组队截止: 20300101
比赛截止: 20300101
House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/house-prices-advanced-regression-techniques 比赛介绍:Predict sales prices and practice feature engineering, RFs, and gradient boosting 比赛类型: Getting Started
人数/队伍数/提交数:25891/4424/25891 组队截止: 20300101
比赛截止: 20300101
Connect X
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/connectx 比赛介绍:Connect your checkers in a row before your opponent! 比赛类型: Getting Started
人数/队伍数/提交数:990/378/990 组队截止: 20300101
比赛截止: 20300101
Real or Not? NLP with Disaster Tweets
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/nlp-getting-started 比赛介绍:Predict which Tweets are about real disasters and which ones are not 比赛类型: Getting Started
人数/队伍数/提交数:4560/1159/4560 组队截止: 20300101
比赛截止: 20300101
Petals to the Metal: Flower Classification on TPU
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/tpu-getting-started 比赛介绍:Getting Started with TPUs on Kaggle! 比赛类型: Getting Started
人数/队伍数/提交数:1033/299/1033 组队截止: 20300603
比赛截止: 20300603
Contradictory, My Dear Watson
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/contradictory-my-dear-watson 比赛介绍:Detecting contradiction and entailment in multilingual text using TPUs 比赛类型: Getting Started
人数/队伍数/提交数:383/119/383 组队截止: 20300701
比赛截止: 20300701
I’m Something of a Painter Myself
比赛链接:https://www.kaggle.com/c/gan-getting-started 比赛介绍:Use GANs to create art - will you be the next Monet? 比赛类型: Getting Started
人数/队伍数/提交数:772/162/772 组队截止: 20300701
比赛截止: 20300701