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2020-11-05 18:10






在TensorFlow 2.3中使用功能API或顺序模型构建模型非常容易,只需很少的代码行。但是,在此胶囊网络的实现中,我们利用Functional API和一些自定义操作,并使用@tf.function修饰它们以进行优化。在本节中,将重点介绍tf.matmul较大尺寸的功能。


对于2D矩阵,只要遵守形状符号,matmul操作即可执行矩阵乘法操作。但是,对于秩为(r> 2)的张量,该运算变为2个运算的组合,即逐元素乘法和矩阵乘法。

对于秩(r = 4)的矩阵,它首先沿轴= [0,1]进行传播(broadcasring),并使它们的形状相同。并且仅当第一个张量的最后一个维度和第二个张量的第二个至最后一个维度具有匹配的维度时,最后两个轴([2,3])才会进行矩阵乘法。为了简洁起见,下面的示例将对其进行说明,为简便起见,仅输出形状,但可以在控制台上随意输出并计算数字。

>>> w = tf.reshape(tf.range(48), (1,8,3,2))>>> x = tf.reshape(tf.range(40), (5,1,2,4))>>> tf.matmul(w, x).shapeTensorShape([5, 8, 3, 4])

w沿轴= 0广播,x沿轴= 1广播,其余两个维矩阵相乘。让我们检查一下matmul的transpose_a / transpose_b参数。在张量上调用tf.transpose时,所有尺寸都将反转。例如,

>>> a = tf.reshape(tf.range(48), (1,8,3,2))>>> tf.transpose(a).shapeTensorShape([2, 3, 8, 1])

因此,让我们看看它是如何工作的 tf.matmul

>>> w = tf.ones((1,10,16,1))>>> x = tf.ones((1152,1,16,1))>>> tf.matmul(w, x, transpose_a=True).shapeTensorShape([1152, 10, 1, 1])

TensorFlow所做的工作首先是沿前两个维度广播,然后将它们假定为2D矩阵堆栈。您可以将其可视化为仅应用于第一个数组的最后两个维度的转置。转置操作后的第一个数组的形状为[1152、10、1、16](将转置应用于最后一个二维),现在应用矩阵乘法。顺便说一下,transpose_a = True将上述转置操作应用于matmul中设置的第一元件。



convolution = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(256, [9,9], strides=[1,1], name='ConvolutionLayer', activation='relu')primary_capsule = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32 * 8, [9,9], strides=[2,2], name="PrimaryCapsule")
x = self.convolution(input_x) # x.shape: (None, 20, 20, 256)x = self.primary_capsule(x) # x.shape: (None, 6, 6, 256)

我们已经使用tf.keras功能性API创建主要的胶囊输出。这些将仅在输入图像的正向传递中执行简单的卷积操作input_x。到现在为止,我们已经得到了256(32 * 8)个特征图,每个特征图的大小为6 x 6。

现在,我们不再将上述特征图可视化为卷积输出,而是将它们重新想象为沿最后一个轴堆积的32-6 x 6 x 8个向量。因此,我们只需重整形状就可以轻松获得6 * 6 * 32 = 1125,8D向量。这些向量中的每一个都与权重矩阵相乘,该权重矩阵封装了这些较低层特征和较高层特征之间的关系。Primary Capsule层中输出要素的尺寸为8D,而Digit Caps层中的输入要素的尺寸为16D。因此,基本上我们必须将它们与16 X 8矩阵相乘。而主胶囊中有1152个向量,这意味着我们将拥有1152–16 x 8个矩阵。

在下一层中,我们有10个数字胶囊,因此,我们将有10个这样的1152–16 x 8矩阵。因此,基本上我们得到了形状为[1152,10,16,8]的权重张量。主胶囊输出的1152-8D向量中的每一个都对10位数字胶囊中的每一个都有贡献,因此我们可以简单地对数字胶囊层中的每个胶囊使用相同的8D向量。更简单地说,我们可以在1152个8D向量中添加2个新轴,从而将它们转换为[1152、1、8、1]的形状。

w = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal_initializer()(shape=[1, 1152, 10, 16, 8]), dtype=tf.float32, name="Pose_Estimation")
u = tf.reshape(x, (-1, 1152, 8))u = tf.expand_dims(u, axis=-2) # u.shape: (None, 1152, 1, 8)u = tf.expand_dims(u,axis=-1) # # u.shape: (None, 1152, 1, 8, 1)# In the matrix multiplication: (1, 1152, 10, 16, 8) x (None, 1152, 1, 8, 1) -> (None, 1152, 10, 16, 1)u_hat = tf.matmul(w, u) # u_hat.shape: (None, 1152, 10, 16, 1)



u_hat = tf.squeeze(u_hat, [4]) # u_hat.shape: (None, 1152, 10, 16)


在探索算法之前,让我们先构造挤压函数(squash function)并保留以备将来使用。如果分母的总和为零,需要添加了一个小值的epsilon,以防止梯度爆炸。

epsilon = 1e-7def squash(self, s):  s_norm = tf.norm(s, axis=-1, keepdims=True)  return tf.square(s_norm)/(1 + tf.square(s_norm)) * s/(s_norm + epsilon)

在此步骤中,数字胶囊的输入是16D向量(u_hat),路由迭代次数(r = 3)。


b = tf.zeros((input_x.shape[0], 1152, 10, 1))for i in range(r):    c = tf.nn.softmax(b, axis=-2) # c.shape: (None, 1152, 10, 1)  s = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(c, u_hat), axis=1, keepdims=True) # s.shape: (None, 1, 10, 16)  v = squash(s) # v.shape: (None, 1, 10, 16)  agreement = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(u_hat, axis=-1), tf.expand_dims(v, axis=-1), transpose_a=True), [4]) # agreement.shape: (None, 1152, 10, 1)  # Before matmul following intermediate shapes are present, they are not assigned to a variable but just for understanding the code.  # u_hat.shape (Intermediate shape) : (None, 1152, 10, 16, 1)  # v.shape (Intermediate shape): (None, 1, 10, 16, 1)  # Since the first parameter of matmul is to be transposed its shape becomes:(None, 1152, 10, 1, 16)  # Now matmul is performed in the last two dimensions, and others are broadcasted  # Before squeezing we have an intermediate shape of (None, 1152, 10, 1, 1)  b += agreement




3.挤压函数非线性将应用于Digit Capsule的16D向量,以将值归一化。




重建网络是一种可从Digit Capsule Layers的特征再生图像的正则化器。在反向传播时,它会影响整个网络,因此使功能既适合预测又适合再生。在训练期间,模型使用输入图像的实际标签将数字上限的值屏蔽为零(与标签相对应的数字除外)(如下图所示)。

来自上述网络的张量的形状为(None,1,10,16),我们沿着Digit Caps图层的16D矢量广播和标记,并应用掩膜。


y = tf.expand_dims(y, axis=-1) # y.shape: (None, 10, 1)y = tf.expand_dims(y, axis=1) # y.shape: (None, 1, 10, 1)mask = tf.cast(y, dtype=tf.float32) # mask.shape: (None, 1, 10, 1)v_masked = tf.multiply(mask, v) # v_masked.shape: (None, 1, 10, 16


dense_1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units = 512, activation='relu')dense_2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units = 1024, activation='relu')dense_3 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units = 784, activation='sigmoid', dtype='float32')
v_ = tf.reshape(v_masked, [-1, 10 * 16]) # v_.shape: (None, 160)reconstructed_image = dense_1(v_) # reconstructed_image.shape: (None, 512)reconstructed_image = dense_2(reconstructed_image) # reconstructed_image.shape: (None, 1024)reconstructed_image = dense_3(reconstructed_image) # reconstructed_image.shape: (None, 784)


class CapsuleNetwork(tf.keras.Model):    def __init__(self, no_of_conv_kernels, no_of_primary_capsules, primary_capsule_vector, no_of_secondary_capsules, secondary_capsule_vector, r):        super(CapsuleNetwork, self).__init__()        self.no_of_conv_kernels = no_of_conv_kernels        self.no_of_primary_capsules = no_of_primary_capsules        self.primary_capsule_vector = primary_capsule_vector        self.no_of_secondary_capsules = no_of_secondary_capsules        self.secondary_capsule_vector = secondary_capsule_vector        self.r = r                        with tf.name_scope("Variables") as scope:            self.convolution = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(self.no_of_conv_kernels, [9,9], strides=[1,1], name='ConvolutionLayer', activation='relu')            self.primary_capsule = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(self.no_of_primary_capsules * self.primary_capsule_vector, [9,9], strides=[2,2], name="PrimaryCapsule")            self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal_initializer()(shape=[1, 1152, self.no_of_secondary_capsules, self.secondary_capsule_vector, self.primary_capsule_vector]), dtype=tf.float32, name="PoseEstimation", trainable=True)            self.dense_1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units = 512, activation='relu')            self.dense_2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units = 1024, activation='relu')            self.dense_3 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units = 784, activation='sigmoid', dtype='float32')            def build(self, input_shape):        pass            def squash(self, s):        with tf.name_scope("SquashFunction") as scope:            s_norm = tf.norm(s, axis=-1, keepdims=True)            return tf.square(s_norm)/(1 + tf.square(s_norm)) * s/(s_norm + epsilon)        @tf.function    def call(self, inputs):        input_x, y = inputs        # input_x.shape: (None, 28, 28, 1)        # y.shape: (None, 10)                x = self.convolution(input_x) # x.shape: (None, 20, 20, 256)        x = self.primary_capsule(x) # x.shape: (None, 6, 6, 256)                with tf.name_scope("CapsuleFormation") as scope:            u = tf.reshape(x, (-1, self.no_of_primary_capsules * x.shape[1] * x.shape[2], 8)) # u.shape: (None, 1152, 8)            u = tf.expand_dims(u, axis=-2) # u.shape: (None, 1152, 1, 8)            u = tf.expand_dims(u, axis=-1) # u.shape: (None, 1152, 1, 8, 1)            u_hat = tf.matmul(self.w, u) # u_hat.shape: (None, 1152, 10, 16, 1)            u_hat = tf.squeeze(u_hat, [4]) # u_hat.shape: (None, 1152, 10, 16)
with tf.name_scope("DynamicRouting") as scope: b = tf.zeros((input_x.shape[0], 1152, self.no_of_secondary_capsules, 1)) # b.shape: (None, 1152, 10, 1) for i in range(self.r): # self.r = 3 c = tf.nn.softmax(b, axis=-2) # c.shape: (None, 1152, 10, 1) s = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(c, u_hat), axis=1, keepdims=True) # s.shape: (None, 1, 10, 16) v = self.squash(s) # v.shape: (None, 1, 10, 16) agreement = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(u_hat, axis=-1), tf.expand_dims(v, axis=-1), transpose_a=True), [4]) # agreement.shape: (None, 1152, 10, 1) # Before matmul following intermediate shapes are present, they are not assigned to a variable but just for understanding the code. # u_hat.shape (Intermediate shape) : (None, 1152, 10, 16, 1) # v.shape (Intermediate shape): (None, 1, 10, 16, 1) # Since the first parameter of matmul is to be transposed its shape becomes:(None, 1152, 10, 1, 16) # Now matmul is performed in the last two dimensions, and others are broadcasted # Before squeezing we have an intermediate shape of (None, 1152, 10, 1, 1) b += agreement with tf.name_scope("Masking") as scope: y = tf.expand_dims(y, axis=-1) # y.shape: (None, 10, 1) y = tf.expand_dims(y, axis=1) # y.shape: (None, 1, 10, 1) mask = tf.cast(y, dtype=tf.float32) # mask.shape: (None, 1, 10, 1) v_masked = tf.multiply(mask, v) # v_masked.shape: (None, 1, 10, 16) with tf.name_scope("Reconstruction") as scope: v_ = tf.reshape(v_masked, [-1, self.no_of_secondary_capsules * self.secondary_capsule_vector]) # v_.shape: (None, 160) reconstructed_image = self.dense_1(v_) # reconstructed_image.shape: (None, 512) reconstructed_image = self.dense_2(reconstructed_image) # reconstructed_image.shape: (None, 1024) reconstructed_image = self.dense_3(reconstructed_image) # reconstructed_image.shape: (None, 784) return v, reconstructed_image
@tf.function def predict_capsule_output(self, inputs): x = self.convolution(inputs) # x.shape: (None, 20, 20, 256) x = self.primary_capsule(x) # x.shape: (None, 6, 6, 256) with tf.name_scope("CapsuleFormation") as scope: u = tf.reshape(x, (-1, self.no_of_primary_capsules * x.shape[1] * x.shape[2], 8)) # u.shape: (None, 1152, 8) u = tf.expand_dims(u, axis=-2) # u.shape: (None, 1152, 1, 8) u = tf.expand_dims(u, axis=-1) # u.shape: (None, 1152, 1, 8, 1) u_hat = tf.matmul(self.w, u) # u_hat.shape: (None, 1152, 10, 16, 1) u_hat = tf.squeeze(u_hat, [4]) # u_hat.shape: (None, 1152, 10, 16)
with tf.name_scope("DynamicRouting") as scope: b = tf.zeros((inputs.shape[0], 1152, self.no_of_secondary_capsules, 1)) # b.shape: (None, 1152, 10, 1) for i in range(self.r): # self.r = 3 c = tf.nn.softmax(b, axis=-2) # c.shape: (None, 1152, 10, 1) s = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(c, u_hat), axis=1, keepdims=True) # s.shape: (None, 1, 10, 16) v = self.squash(s) # v.shape: (None, 1, 10, 16) agreement = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(u_hat, axis=-1), tf.expand_dims(v, axis=-1), transpose_a=True), [4]) # agreement.shape: (None, 1152, 10, 1) # Before matmul following intermediate shapes are present, they are not assigned to a variable but just for understanding the code. # u_hat.shape (Intermediate shape) : (None, 1152, 10, 16, 1) # v.shape (Intermediate shape): (None, 1, 10, 16, 1) # Since the first parameter of matmul is to be transposed its shape becomes:(None, 1152, 10, 1, 16) # Now matmul is performed in the last two dimensions, and others are broadcasted # Before squeezing we have an intermediate shape of (None, 1152, 10, 1, 1) b += agreement return v
@tf.function def regenerate_image(self, inputs): with tf.name_scope("Reconstruction") as scope: v_ = tf.reshape(inputs, [-1, self.no_of_secondary_capsules * self.secondary_capsule_vector]) # v_.shape: (None, 160) reconstructed_image = self.dense_1(v_) # reconstructed_image.shape: (None, 512) reconstructed_image = self.dense_2(reconstructed_image) # reconstructed_image.shape: (None, 1024) reconstructed_image = self.dense_3(reconstructed_image) # reconstructed_image.shape: (None, 784) return reconstructed_image


epsilon = 1e-7m_plus = 0.9m_minus = 0.1lambda_ = 0.5alpha = 0.0005
epochs = 100
params = { "no_of_conv_kernels": 256, "no_of_primary_capsules": 32, "no_of_secondary_capsules": 10, "primary_capsule_vector": 8, "secondary_capsule_vector": 16, "r":3,}
model = CapsuleNetwork(**params)


def loss_function(v, reconstructed_image, y, y_image):    prediction = safe_norm(v)    prediction = tf.reshape(prediction, [-1, no_of_secondary_capsules])        left_margin = tf.square(tf.maximum(0.0, m_plus - prediction))    right_margin = tf.square(tf.maximum(0.0, prediction - m_minus))        l = tf.add(y * left_margin, lambda_ * (1.0 - y) * right_margin)        margin_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(l, axis=-1))        y_image_flat = tf.reshape(y_image, [-1, 784])    reconstruction_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y_image_flat - reconstructed_image))        loss = tf.add(margin_loss, alpha * reconstruction_loss)        return loss

v是未进行掩膜的数字胶囊矢量,y是标签的one_hot_encoded载体,y_image是实际发送图像输入到模型。安全规范函数(safe norm function)只是一个类似于TensorFlow规范函数的函数,但包含一个epsilon以避免该值变为精确的0。

def safe_norm(v, axis=-1):    v_ = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(v), axis = axis, keepdims=True)    return tf.sqrt(v_ + epsilon)


到这里我们已经完成了模型架构。该模型具有8215568个参数,与论文说的一样,他们说重构的模型具有8.2M个参数。但是,此博客具有8238608参数。差异的原因是TensorFlow仅考虑tf.Variable可训练参数中的资源。如果我们认为1152 * 10 b和1152 * 10 c是可训练的,那么我们得到相同的数字。

8215568 + 11520 + 11520 = 8238608



def train(x,y):    y_one_hot = tf.one_hot(y, depth=10)    with tf.GradientTape() as tape:        v, reconstructed_image = model([x, y_one_hot])        loss = loss_function(v, reconstructed_image, y_one_hot, x)    grad = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables)    optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grad, model.trainable_variables))    return loss


def predict(model, x): pred = safe_norm(model.predict_capsule_output(x)) pred = tf.squeeze(pred, [1]) return np.argmax(pred, axis=1)[:,0]




在下面的要点中,是index_指测试集中的特定样品编号,是index指样品所y_test[index_] 代表的实际编号。

print(predict(model, tf.expand_dims(X_test[index_], axis=0)), y_test[index_])
features = model.predict_capsule_output(tf.expand_dims(X_test[index_], axis=0))
temp_features = features.numpy()temp_ = temp_features.copy()temp_features[:,:,:,:] = 0temp_features[:,:,index,:] = temp_[:,:,index,:]
recon = model.regenerate_image(temp_features)recon = tf.reshape(recon, (28,28))
plt.subplot(1,2,1)plt.imshow(recon, cmap='gray')plt.subplot(1,2,2)plt.imshow(X_test[index_,:,:,0], cmap='gray')


col = np.zeros((28,308))for i in range(16):     feature_ = temp_features.copy()    feature_[:,:,index, i] += -0.25    row = np.zeros((28,28))    for j in range(10):        feature_[:,:,index, i] += 0.05        row = np.hstack([row, tf.reshape(model.regenerate_image(tf.convert_to_tensor(feature_)), (28,28)).numpy()])    col = np.vstack([col, row])    plt.figure(figsize=(30,20))plt.imshow(col[28:, 28:], cmap='gray')




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