【48期】盘点Netty面试常问考点:什么是 Netty 的零拷贝?
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"Zero-copy" describes computer operations in which the CPU does not perform the task of copying data from one memory area to another.

private int readerIndex;
private int writerIndex;
private ChannelBuffer[] components;
private int[] indices;
private int lastAccessedComponentId;
* Setup this ChannelBuffer from the list
private void setComponents(ListnewComponents) {
assert !newComponents.isEmpty();
// Clear the cache.
lastAccessedComponentId = 0;
// Build the component array.
components = new ChannelBuffer[newComponents.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i ++) {
ChannelBuffer c = newComponents.get(i);
if (c.order() != order()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"All buffers must have the same endianness.");
assert c.readerIndex() == 0;
assert c.writerIndex() == c.capacity();
components[i] = c;
// Build the component lookup table.
indices = new int[components.length + 1];
indices[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= components.length; i ++) {
indices[i] = indices[i - 1] + components[i - 1].capacity();
// Reset the indexes.
setIndex(0, capacity());
public byte getByte(int index) {
int componentId = componentId(index);
return components[componentId].getByte(index - indices[componentId]);
private int componentId(int index) {
int lastComponentId = lastAccessedComponentId;
if (index >= indices[lastComponentId]) {
if (index < indices[lastComponentId + 1]) {
return lastComponentId;
// Search right
for (int i = lastComponentId + 1; i < components.length; i ++) {
if (index < indices[i + 1]) {
lastAccessedComponentId = i;
return i;
} else {
// Search left
for (int i = lastComponentId - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
if (index >= indices[i]) {
lastAccessedComponentId = i;
return i;
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid index: " + index + ", maximum: " + indices.length);