UbenchPHP 代码执行效率评测
Ubench 是一个用于评测 PHP 代码执行时间和内存使用效率的开发库。
require_once 'src/Ubench.php'; $bench = new Ubench; $bench->start(); // Execute some code $bench->end(); // Get elapsed time and memory echo $bench->getTime(); // 156ms or 1.123s echo $bench->getTime(true); // elapsed microtime in float echo $bench->getTime(false, '%d%s'); // 156ms or 1s echo $bench->getMemoryPeak(); // 152B or 90.00Kb or 15.23Mb echo $bench->getMemoryPeak(true); // memory peak in bytes echo $bench->getMemoryPeak(false, '%.3f%s'); // 152B or 90.152Kb or 15.234Mb // Returns the memory usage at the end mark echo $bench->getMemoryUsage(); // 152B or 90.00Kb or 15.23Mb