【AMA回顾 】 Pledge 通过金融 NFT 重新制定 defi 游戏规则


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2021-09-29 19:26




关于 Pledge Finance 

Pledge 固定利率借贷协议,旨在利用固定借贷利率来降低市场波动风险并吸引长期参与者。此外,Pledge 计划在未来引入可生成一组特定债券的权限、义务和到期日的金融 NFT。

链闻消息,固定利率借贷协议 Pledge 完成 300 万美元融资,丹华资本(DHVC) 领投,美国伯克利 Haas 商学院和斯坦福学校区块链教授 Gary LaBlanc、前瑞士信贷资管成员 Ray Wong、硅谷湾区私人家族借贷机构 Torsten 家族成员 Torsten Wendl、Prism protocol 创始人与斯坦福大学 Tse Lab 创办人 David Tse 参投,所筹资金将用于支持 Pledge 成为主流加密资产借贷平台,并实现现实世界金融资产的代币化。


官网 :https://info.pledger.finance/

1 Why did Pledge choose the route of fix-rated lending? What is so special about fix-rate lending protocol? What is the Key difference (advantages) against compound/aave/MakerDAO?

Pledge为何选择固定利率借贷路线?固定利率贷款协议有什么特别之处?与复合/aave/MakerDAO 的主要区别(优势)是什么?

For Fixed Rate lending, it is inherently more stable than variable lending, rates are more predictable and less volatile which is preferable by our risk averse communities. 


First key difference is the financial NFT. Everyone knows about NFT now. But it can do much more. In pledge, we build every loan, bond, insurance over financial NFT and enable a N-dimensional AMM between them. 

第一个关键区别是金融 NFT 。现在大家都知道 NFT 了。但它还能做得更多。在质押中,我们在金融 NFT 上构建每一笔贷款、债券、保险,并在它们之间实现 N 维 AMM 。

This is to say that in every pool we can have thousands of tokens. Currently most Defi such as MakerDAO, AAVE, COMP only have a pair in many pools. So the liquidity is much higher.

这就是说,在每个池中,我们可以有成千上万的令牌。目前大多数 Def i 如 Maker DAO 、 A AVE 、 COMP 等在很多池中只有一对。所以流动性要高很多。

Second, developers can CREATE their interest yield products here, just like what traders do in Wall street and investment banks. But it's just easier, cheaper, more flexible and safer. And everyone can do that by using the Pledge Protocol, in just several clicks. 

第二,开发者可以在这里创造他们的利息收益产品,就像交易员在华尔街和投资银行做的一样。但它只是更简单,更便宜,更灵活,更安全。每个人都可以通过使用 Pledge Protocol 来做到这一点,只需几次点击。

Historically this can only be done by those 100 traders and 5 companies in Manhattan. And Pledge is making it available to everyone, which, I say, is global financial inclusion. I think this is the responsibility for such a defi project as Pledge.

从历史上看,这只能由曼哈顿的 100 名交易员和 5 家公司来完成。Pledge 让所有人都可以使用它,我说,这是全球金融普惠。我觉得这是 Pledge 这样的 def i 项目的责任。

Finally, we will partner with COMP, AAVE, Pancake and all top defi projects, to be their LP. By plug-in Pledge's protocols and framework, most defi protocols can immediately have interest rate yield token mint and trade capability.

最后,我们将与 COMP、AAVE、Pancake 以及所有顶级 defi 项目合作,成为他们的 LP。通过插件 Pledge 的协议和框架,大多数 defi 协议可以立即具备利率收益率通证的造币和交易能力。

2 We heard rumors that pledge talking with micro-financing providers and institutions? Does that mean Pledge will provide services outside of the crypto rim and enter traditional finance as well? 



Please check out our website where we are launching a sale now - https://info.pledger.finance


Indeed we are talking with local banking institutions across the industry. In fact one of our advisors is Nicole Chang, she is the formal global strategist for East-west Bank is actively helping us seeking more regional and cross country partnerships. 

事实上,我们正在与整个行业的当地银行机构进行商谈。事实上,我们的顾问之一是 Nicole Chang ,她是东西岸的正式全球战略师,正在积极帮助我们寻求更多的区域和跨国合作伙伴关系。

We will help bridge the lack of liquidity in traditional finance using the liquidity we have in decentralized finance market and attract the traditional investors using a much more managed risk management mechanism and help build on wealth management.


3 We heard that Pledge finance is announcing to do a round of IDO at token soft on oct, 5th. And it is starting its own KYC process on sale.pledger.finance, could you please give some details about Token mechanism (token design) and also the IDO details?

我们听说 Pledge Finance 宣布将于 10 月 5 日在 tokensoft 上进行一轮发行。它正在sale.pledger.finance 上启动自己的KYC 流程,您能否提供一些有关令牌机制(令牌设计)以及 发行 的详细信息?

Please check out the official website for IDO KYC registration: sale.pledger.finance. The public sales registration ends on 9/27 11.45pm EST time. 

KYC注册请查看官网:sale.pledger.finance。 公开注册将于美国东部时间 9 月 27 日晚上 11 点 45 分结束。 

On the first 15 min, the registration server at Tokensoft is down due to Pledge's internet traffic. It took three hours for them to resume the service.

This affected about 15k users globally.

在前 15 分钟,Tokensoft 的注册服务器由于 Pledge 的互联网流量而关闭。 他们花了三个小时才恢复服务。 这影响了全球约 15,000 名用户。

Pledge is now built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and utilizes a dual governance token mechanism called PLGR & Master-PLGR(MPLGR) tokens.

Pledge 现在建立在 Binance 智能链 (BSC) 上,并利用称为 PLGR 和 Master-PLGR(MPLGR) 令牌的双重治理令牌机制。

PLGR tokens are the utility and junior governance vehicle on the Pledge protocol,whereas MPLGR is designed to help handle a set of advanced governance decisions for the platform, which influence the economic policies and incentives structure parameters across the whole ecosystem. PLGR is also a utility token, but it helps balance the ecosystem by being available to more users, thus encouraging users to staking.

PLGR 令牌是 Pledge 协议上的实用程序和初级治理工具,而 MPLGR 是设计的 帮助处理平台的一组高级治理决策,这些决策会影响整个生态系统的经济政策和激励结构参数。PLGR 也是一种实用型代币,但它通过提供给更多用户来帮助平衡生态系统,从而鼓励用户 去staking。


With an innovative bridged dual token structure in Pledge, one crypto asset can function as a yield farming vehicle while the other can function as a governance vehicle.

凭借 Pledge 中创新的桥接双代币结构,一种加密资产可以用作收益农业工具,而另一种可以用作治理工具。

PLGR(pledger token) is the yield farming and utility token for DeFi applications, first deployed in BSC environment, with Polkadot, Heco, Polygon, Ethereum versions potentially being created down the road. Each environment is expected to have its own token standards, and each version of PLGR token is swappable across different blockchains.

 PLGR(质押代币)是 DeFi 应用程序的收益农业和实用程序代币,首先部署在 BSC 环境,Polkadot、Heco、Polygon、以太坊版本可能会在未来创建。 每个环境都有自己的代币标准,每个版本的 PLGR 代币都可以在不同的区块链之间交换。

MPLGR (master pledger token) is the master governance token that is initially based on ERC20 token standard, with future BSC standards to launch. MPLGR is used to make governance decisions for the entire Pledge ecosystem, and update any key parameters and token economics as needed.

MPLGR(主质押者代币)是最初基于 ERC20 代币标准的主治理代币,未来将推出 BSC 标准。MPLGR 用于为整个 Pledge 生态系统做出治理决策,并根据需要更新任何关键参数和代币经济。

Oh btw, I am the lead developer for the smart contract of the decentralized dual token swap bridge!

Please visit sale.pledger.finance right now to claim your spot.


请立即访问 sale.pledger.finance 以获取您的位置。

4  The term financial NFT is very interesting, and seems like something that can revolutionize the future of finance. What is the nature of the design of Pledge’s financial NFT? How does this become applicable in a real life use case? 

金融 NFT 这个词非常有意思,看起来好像可以彻底改变金融的未来。Pledge 的金融 NFT 设计的本质是什么?这在现实生活中是如何应用的?

The technology is more innovative and different. 


We use NFT as the infrastructure. Pledge leverages the latest blockchain technology, especially with ERC 1155 to enable the creation of Financial NFTs to represent each loan, bond, insurance as well as other assets.

我们使用 NFT 作为基础设施。Pledge 利用最新的区块链技术,尤其是 ERC 1155,能够创建金融 NFT 来代表每笔贷款、债券、保险以及其他资产。

Pledge's Financial NFT supports configurable asset token type, which can have its own terms, metadata, supply and other derivative attributes. 

Pledge 的 Financial NFT 支持可配置的资产代币类型,可以有自己的条款、元数据、供应等衍生属性。

A single deployed contract includes a combination of many fungible tokens, non-fungible tokens or other configurations. Financial NFT protocols support game and finance developers with interoperability such as transfer, hedge and trade, and hence are expected to remove the barriers to entry for almost all financial market participants.

单个部署的合约包括许多可替代代币、不可替代代币或其他配置的组合。 金融 NFT 协议通过转账、对冲和交易等互操作性支持游戏和金融开发商,因此有望消除几乎所有金融市场参与者的进入壁垒。

Pledge financial NFT allows developers and traders to create their own financial tokens in Pledge. Not just one pair in a pool, it can have thousands of tokens in one pool. This builds up huge liquidity, from billions to trillions.

Pledge 金融 NFT 允许开发者和交易者在 Pledge 中创建自己的金融代币。不仅仅是池中的一对,一个池中可以有数千个代币。这建立了巨大的流动性,从数十亿到数万亿。

5 Under the leadership of Stanford professors and researchers, Pledge protocol may very well become the third biggest byproduct in the blockchain industry, why is that?  

在斯坦福大学教授和研究人员的领导下, Pledge 协议很可能成为区块链行业的第三大副产品,这是为什么呢?

Pledge distinguishes itself as the most aggressive pioneer that pushes the limit of financial innovation. The Pledge team has more than 100 years of combined leadership experience in fintech, structured finance, financial engineering and algorithm optimization. 

Pledge 是推动金融创新极限的最积极的先驱。Pledge 团队在金融科技、结构性金融、金融工程和算法优化方面拥有 100 多年的综合领导经验。

As a decentralized engine for all world’s debt instruments, fixed rate lending, fixed yield, refinancing, financial NFTs, structured debt products, interest rate swap, monoline obligation insurance and entry point for TradFi into Defi, all converge at Pledge. 

作为世界上所有债务工具的去中心化引擎,固定利率贷款、固定收益、再融资、金融 NFT、结构性债务产品、利率互换、单线义务保险和 TradFi 进入 Defi 的切入点,都汇聚在 Pledge 上。

The existing DEFI loan market is dominated by floating rate products. Pledge’s fixed rate products can provide both sides with much needed certainty and  work with floating rate counterparties as essential building blocks for more advanced DEFI products such as derivative contracts. 

现有的 DEFI 贷款市场以浮动利率产品为主。Pledge 的固定利率产品可以为双方提供急需的确定性,并与浮动利率交易对手合作,作为衍生合约等更先进 DEFI 产品的重要组成部分。

Pledge’s innovative privacy-preserving KYC and compliance tools widely open the door for institutional investors to participate in the DEFI without worrying about the regulation, helping boost this market to a trillion dollar-sized one.

Pledge 创新的隐私保护 KYC 和合规工具为机构投资者打开了参与 DEFI 的大门,而无需担心监管,有助于将这个市场推向万亿美元规模。

6 Pledge sounds more like a framework for DeFi instead of an actual defi product, why is that? What is the difference between other DEX frameworks and Pledge?

Pledge 听起来更像是 DeFi 的框架,而不是实际的 defi 产品,这是为什么呢?其他 DEX 框架和 Pledge 有什么区别?

One of Pledge’s product directions is to create innovative structured collateralized loan products to meet a diversified portfolio of risk appetites and level of exposure, therefore, improving capital efficiency and reducing liquidity friction. Borrowers can generally benefit from Pledge products with higher loan/collateral ratio.

Pledge 的产品方向之一是创造创新的结构性抵押贷款产品,以满足多样化的风险偏好和风险敞口组合,从而提高资本效率并减少流动性摩擦。借款人通常可以从贷款/抵押品比率较高的质押产品中受益。

Pledge’s innovation also helps create a multi billion dollar monoline insurance market where speculators can provide insurance for risky loans, of course, for a fee.  

Pledge 的创新还有助于创建一个价值数十亿美元的单一保险市场,投机者可以在其中为风险贷款提供保险,当然,需要收费。

Pledge aims to satisfy lenders/borrowers/liquidity providers of all kinds within one protocol, which calls for a super nimble and elastic asset pooling mechanism that can meet needs of all kinds such as fixed borrowing term, fixed yield, early liquidity pullout (converting to fixed borrowing term), liquidity mapping, etc. 

质押旨在在一个协议内满足各种贷款人/借款人/流动性提供者,这需要一种超级灵活和弹性的资产池机制,可以满足固定借款期限、固定收益、提前退出流动性(转换为 固定借款期限)、流动性映射等。

Again, every role player is dealing against a highly algorithm driven asset pool rather than pairing supply and demand of the present. The structured products created by Pledge and its ecosystem can serve a much in-depth market - along the supply chain of financial markets.

同样,每个角色参与者都在与高度算法驱动的资产池打交道,而不是将当前的供需配对。Pledge 及其生态系统创建的结构化产品可以服务于更深入的市场——沿着金融市场的供应链。

Please check out The official website:https://http://www.pledger.finance/ for more information


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If you wanna know more about Pledge,you can join https://t.me/pledgerfinance first

GooseDAO AMA 系列日历(欢迎联系预约,Vx:ywsxiao)

9.09 Gamefi NFT项目 CryptoEmpire

5.24 波卡第一梯队项目 Bifrost

5.13 明星跨链O3 Swap

5.10 衍生品EX Globe

4.30 BSC TheForce.Trade


4.27 波卡NFT项目 NFTMart

4.23 区块链网络安全 HAPI

3.25 波卡预言机 Ares

3.18  Dexe

2.29 以太坊Defi YIELD

2.07  Conflux

1.29  Linear



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