2. "Done! Difficult task, I don’t wish to think about constipation and faecal flora during my holidays! But, once a referee, always and anywhere a referee; we are good boy scouts in the research wilderness. Even under the sun and near a wonderful beach."
3. "This paper is desperate. Please reject it completely and then block the author’s email ID so they can’t use the online system in future."
4. "The writing and data presentation are so bad that I had to leave work and go home early and then spend time to wonder what life is about."
5. "The biggest problem with this manu, which has nearly sucked the will to live out of me, is the terrible writing style."
6. "The presentation is of a standard that I would reject from an undergraduate student."
7. "This paper is awfully written. There is no adequate objective and no reasonable conclusion. The literature is quoted at random and not in the context of argument. I have doubts about the methods and whether the effort of data gathering is sufficient to arrive at a useful conclusion."
8. "Season’s Greetings! I apologise for my slow response but a roast goose prevented me from answering emails for a few days."
2. “There was little I could think of to improve this nice paper.”
3. "This is as solid a write up as I have seen, many spend much more time and space to say considerably less. It is a perfect example of a compact report."
4. "landmark paper on P. putida physiology."
5. "It is always a joy to review manus such as this. Well conceived, well executed, well edited. Clean. Pristine. From start to finish."
To be honest, I just read the abstract and took a quick glance on the tables and figures in the manuscript.
Considering that there are issues with literally EVERY sentence in the abstract, and the complete mess in the figures/tables, there is no need to waste time on it.
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