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2021-12-13 23:36





我开始每周做实验,通常在我每周发送工作邮件之前的 2 -3天内将它们整理在一起。虽然(有些)实验结果还可以,但是我感觉仅仅是因为自己幸运,而且感觉自己很草率。在一次组会上,我的导师责骂一名实验室同事,因为他糟糕的实验设计,导致时间、精力和金钱的浪费。听了之后,我觉得我自己做的大部分工作也是如此(浪费时间、精力和金钱)!看来有些事情需要改变了。







My Ph.D. advisers expected weeklyprogress reports. I’m glad they did

During my early months of graduateschool, I struggled with a weekly task: sitting down at my computer and writingan update for my advisers. More often than not, I felt stuck. I didn’t knowwhat to write because I didn’t think I had done enough work worth sharing. Mystress level skyrocketed, and I started to do experiments just for the sake ofhaving something to report. It was the perfect recipe for making no progress.But by the end of my program, I realized the weekly updates didn’t need to bepacked with data and accomplishments. Instead, they could serve as a tool torefine my thinking and get the feedback I needed. I was glad my advisersrequired them.

I had moved to Japan from my homecountry of Indonesia, where I was accustomed to a different research andtraining culture. When I pursued my master’s degree there, my research was muchless structured and I only went to my adviser when I had questions or problems.That presented its own set of issues—for example, when my graduation deadlinecrept up on me, I hadn’t yet completed everything I wanted to. Still, it waswhat I was used to.

In Japan, I was surprised to learn thatI was expected to update my advisers on a weekly basis. They didn’t tell mewhat details to report. So, while I was coming up with my research questionsand study design, I wrote brief updates about any new ideas or experimentalplans I had in mind. But seeing the progress my lab mates were reporting, Isoon felt pressure to communicate something more substantive. That spurred meto dive into experimental work faster than I should have.

I started to do experiments each week,usually frantically putting them together during the 2 or 3 days leading up tomy weekly email. The experiments worked, but I had a nagging feeling I wasgetting lucky and that eventually I’d be discovered for being sloppy. Duringone group meeting, my adviser scolded a lab member for wasting time, energy,and money on a poorly designed experiment. The same could be said for much ofmy work up to that point, I knew. Something needed to change.

I realized my earliest reports, duringthe time I’d spent planning my project, could be a model—one that I could buildand expand on. I hadn’t gone into much detail in those emails because ideas andplans didn’t strike me as significant accomplishments. But after stumblingthrough experiment after experiment, I came to see that there was real value inlaying out detailed plans.

I wasn’t sure how my advisers wouldrespond if I reverted to the experimental design stage, but I decided it wasworth a try. I spent the weeks that followed reading papers and thinking aboutthe big picture goals of my project. I was nervous when I wrote my first emailupdate listing all the papers I’d read and ideas I’d explored—but lackingconcrete data. To my relief, my advisers didn’t object. After one report, whichfocused on papers I’d combed to figure out the right method for oneexperimental step, one of my advisers reached out to another professor who hadrelevant expertise to ask for advice. That helped me make a final decision onmy method more quickly than I would have on my own.

Expanding my idea of progress helped mefeel more productive and gave me the intellectual space to explore topics moredeeply. My research became more efficient and I ran into fewer dead ends. Ialso realized that writing out detailed ideas and plans in the weekly updatesprovided a valuable opportunity to articulate them for myself, which helped meapproach my advisers more confidently and engage in more productivediscussions.

Over time, I began to see the updatesnot as a burden, but as the tool they are intended to be—to gradually build thechapters of my research story, and to spur constructive feedback from mentorsalong the way.

On my last day in my Ph.D. lab, I didsomething I never could have foreseen during the first 6 months: I thanked myprofessors for the lab tradition of weekly progress reports. It helped mecollect the small stones I ultimately used to construct the stairs to my Ph.D.




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