gomplate 是一个用于模板渲染的灵活的命令行工具,支持大量的本地和远程数据源。如:JSON(包括 EJSON - encrypted JSON)、YAML、AWS EC2 元数据、BoltDB、Hashicorp Consul 和 Hashicorp Vault secrets。
gomplate 工作实践案例:
$ # at its most basic, gomplate can be used with environment variables... $ echo 'Hello, {{ .Env.USER }}' | gomplate Hello, hairyhenderson $ # but that's kind of boring. gomplate has tons of functions to do useful stuff, too $ gomplate -i 'the answer is: {{ mul 6 7 }}' the answer is: 42 $ # and, since gomplate uses Go's templating syntax, you can do fun things like: $ gomplate -i '{{ range seq 5 1 }}{{ . }} {{ if eq . 1 }}{{ "blastoff" | toUpper }}{{ end }}{{ end }}' 5 4 3 2 1 BLASTOFF $ # the real fun comes when you use datasources! $ cat ./config.yaml foo: bar: baz: qux $ gomplate -d config=./config.yaml -i 'the value we want is: {{ (datasource "config").foo.bar.baz }}' the value we want is: qux $ # datasources are defined by URLs, and gomplate is not limited to just file-based datasources: $ gomplate -d ip=https://ipinfo.io -i 'country code: {{ (ds "ip").country }}' country code: CA $ # standard input can be used as a datasource too: $ echo '{"cities":["London", "Johannesburg", "Windhoek"]}' | gomplate -d city=stdin:///in.json -i '{{ range (ds "city").cities }}{{.}}, {{end}}' London, Johannesburg, Windhoek, $ # and here's something a little more complicated: $ export CITIES='city: [London, Johannesburg, Windhoek]' $ cat in.tmpl {{ range $i, $city := (ds "cities").city -}} {{ add 1 $i }}: {{ include "weather" (print $city "?0") }} {{ end }} $ gomplate -d 'cities=env:///CITIES?type=application/yaml' -d 'weather=https://wttr.in/?0' -H 'weather=User-Agent: curl' -f in.tmpl 1: Weather report: London \ / Partly cloudy _ /"".-. 4-7 °C \_( ). ↑ 20 km/h /(___(__) 10 km 0.0 mm 2: Weather report: Johannesburg \ / Partly cloudy _ /"".-. 15 °C \_( ). ↘ 0 km/h /(___(__) 10 km 2.2 mm 3: Weather report: Windhoek \ / Partly cloudy _ /"".-. 20 °C \_( ). ↑ 6 km/h /(___(__) 20 km 0.0 mm