archtorifyTransparent proxy through Tor for Arch Linux OS
Transparent Proxy through Tor for Arch Linux
About archtorify
archtorify is a shell script for Arch Linux which use iptables settings to create a Transparent Proxy through the Tor Network, the program also allows you to perform various checks like checking the Tor Exit Node (i.e. your public IP address when you are under Tor proxy) or if Tor has been configured correctly checking service and network settings.
In simple terms, with archtorify you can redirect all traffic of your Arch Linux operating system through the Tor Network.
Getting started
To know how to install and use archtorify see the [Wiki]
The realization of this program was possible only with:
The guides of the Tor Project official website
The users of Arch Linux Community that helped me in the building of the AUR package
The Whonix Team and their documentation
All users of who with their reports help to improve this project
"Tor" is a trademark of The Tor Project, Inc.. Please see:
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