AmpPHP 非阻塞并发框架
Amp 是一个 PHP 非阻塞并发框架,它提供了一个事件循环,promise 和 stream 作为异步编程的基础。与生成器结合使用的 promise 用于构建协程,它允许像同步代码一样编写异步代码,而不需要任何回调。
<?php use Amp\Artax\Response; use Amp\Loop; require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; Loop::run(function () { $uris = [ "", "", "", ]; $client = new Amp\Artax\DefaultClient; $client->setOption(Amp\Artax\Client::OP_DISCARD_BODY, true); try { foreach ($uris as $uri) { $promises[$uri] = $client->request($uri); } $responses = yield $promises; foreach ($responses as $uri => $response) { print $uri . " - " . $response->getStatus() . $response->getReason() . PHP_EOL; } } catch (Amp\Artax\HttpException $error) { // If something goes wrong Amp will throw the exception where the promise was yielded. // The Client::request() method itself will never throw directly, but returns a promise. print $error->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; } });