Process-watcher启动和控制 NodeJS 进程
Process-watcher 能够启动和控制 NodeJS 进程的工具。
var watcher = require('process-watcher'); /* * Dummy metric monitoring object. */ var watcher_metric = { /** * Increments metric */ increment : function (name, v) { // Add implementation as necessary }, /** * Set the metric or multiple metrics at the same time. * */ set : function (names, v) { // Add implementation as necessary } }; var dgpath = '/tmp/watcher_test_dgram', statusPath = '/tmp/watcher_status_path_test', watcher_config = { max_inactive : 0.001, monitor : 0.001, monPath: dgpath, timeout : 30, timeout_start : 60 }; //Instantiate watcher var watcher_instance = new watcher.Watcher({ metric : watcher_metric, config : watcher_config });