《函数式编程指南》联合创作 · 2023-09-26 13:00《函数式编程指南》 是使用 JavaScript 进行函数式编程的书籍,告诉大家如何在日常工作中更好的利用函数式编程的特性。 Part 1 Chapter 1: What ever are we doing? Introductions A brief encounter Chapter 2: First Class Functions A quick review Why favor first class? Chapter 3: Pure Happiness with Pure Functions Oh to be pure again Side effects may include... 8th grade math The case for purity In Summary Chapter 4: Currying Can't live if livin' is without you More than a pun / Special sauce In Summary Chapter 5: Coding by Composing Functional Husbandry Pointfree Debugging Category Theory In Summary Chapter 6: Example Application Declarative Coding A flickr of functional programming A Principled Refactor In Summary Part 2 Chapter 7: Hindley-Milner and Me What's your type? Tales from the cryptic Narrowing the possibility Free as in theorem In Summary Chapter 8: Tupperware The Mighty Container My First Functor Schrödinger’s Maybe Pure Error Handling Old McDonald had Effects… Asynchronous Tasks A Spot of Theory In Summary Chapter 9: Monadic Onions Pointy Functor Factory Mixing Metaphors My chain hits my chest Theory In Summary 浏览 9点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享 编辑 分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐 coding优雅指南:函数式编程前端Sharing0浅析函数式编程函数式编程 1. 函数 高中一年级,应该是最早接触函数这个概念的时间,印象很深刻,毕竟是高考压轴大题,但它却是必修一第二章的内容。 我们来看一个必修一中最简单的一个函数: 上面的函数由三个部分组成: x 自变量...FuncitoJava 函数式编程Funcito是一个Java类库,通过封装函数类型对象来简化访问你喜爱的函数式编程APIs。JavaScript 函数式编程web前端开发0SwiftzSwift函数式编程Swiftz 是一个 Swift 库,实现了函数式编程。示例代码:let xs = [1, 2, 0SwiftzSwift函数式编程Swiftz是一个Swift库,实现了函数式编程。示例代码:let xs = [1, 2, 0, 3, 4]// we can use the Min semigroup to find the mi一篇简明的 JavaScript 函数式编程入门指南前端达人0F#函数式编程语言F#是由微软发展的为微软.NET语言提供运行环境的程序设计语言,是函数编程语言(FP,FunctionalProgramming),函数编程语言最重要的基础是LambdaCalculus。它是基于OCToolzPython 函数式编程工具箱Toolz是Python的函数式编程工具箱。Toolz支持Python2.6+和Python3.3+。Toolz的实现包括三部分:itertoolz,foroperationsoniterables.ToolzPython 函数式编程工具箱Toolz 是 Python 的函数式编程工具箱。Toolz 支持 Python 2.6+ 和 Py点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享 编辑 分享 举报