Terjira交互式的 Jira CLI 工具
Terjira 是一个交互式且易于使用的 Jira 命令行应用程序。用户不需要记住资源密钥或 ID。Terjira 通过交互式提示来提供建议。
Jira 必须支持 Rest API 2.0 和 Agile Rest API 1.0。
- 添加用于查找问题的 JQL 命令
- 按关键字搜索问题
- 管理工作日志和评估问题
- 管理问题的组件和版本
- 跟踪转换历史
- 更友好的帮助
$ gem install terjira
$ sudo gem install terjira
# or
$ gem install terjira --user-install
# You need to export your gem path
Authentication: jira login # Login your Jira using your Jira email & password # for Server or API token for Cloud. # Refer: https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/api-tokens-938839638.html # [--ssl-config] with ssl configuration # [--proxy-config] with proxy configuration jira logout # Logout your Jira Project: jira project help [COMMAND] # Describe one specific subcommand jira project ( ls | list ) # List of all projects jira project [PROJECT_KEY] # Show detail of the project Board: jira board help [COMMAND] # Describe one specific subcommand jira board ( ls | list) # List of all boards jira board backlog # Backlog from the board Sprint: jira sprint help [COMMAND] # Describe one specific subcommand jira sprint ( ls | list ) # List of all sprint from the board jira sprint [SPRINT_ID] # Show the sprint jira sprint active # Show active sprints and issues # To show issues on the sprint(include no assignee) # pass `--assignee ALL` or `-a ALL`. Issue: jira issue help [COMMAND] # Describe one specific subcommand jira issue ( ls | list ) # List of issues # Default assignee option is current logged-in user # To show issues of all users(include no assignee) # pass `--assignee ALL` or `-a ALL`. jira issue jql "[QUERY]" # Search issues with JQL # ex) # jira issue jql "project = 'TEST' AND summary ~ 'authentication'" jira issue search "[SUMMARY]" # Search for an issues by summary jira issue [ISSUE_KEY] # Show detail of the issue jira issue assign [ISSUE_KEY] ([ASSIGNEE]) # Assign the issue to user jira issue attach_file [ISSUE_KEY] ([FILE_PATH]) #Attach a file to issue jira issue comment [ISSUE_KEY] # Write comment on the issue # pass `-E` or `--editor` to open system default editor for composing comment jira issue edit_comment [ISSUE_KEY] ([COMMENT_ID]) # Edit user's comment on the issue. # If COMMENT_ID is not given, it will choose user's last comment. jira issue delete [ISSUE_KEY] # Delete the issue jira issue edit [ISSUE_KEY] # Edit the issue # pass `-E` or `--editor` to open system default editor for composing issue description jira issue new # Create an issue # pass `-E` or `--editor` to open system default editor for composing issue description jira issue open [ISSUE_KEY] # Open browser jira issue url [ISSUE_KEY] # Return url of the issue jira issue take [ISSUE_KEY] # Assign the issue to self jira issue trans [ISSUE_KEY] ([STATUS]) # Do transition