alimask水印图片 JavaScript 生成库
alimask 是一个使用 canvas 生成类似阿里巴巴内部网站水印图片的 JavaScript 库。Online demo here.
1. Install
npm install alimask
Then import it.
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/alimask.min.js"></script> // or var alimask = require('alimask'); // or import alimask from 'alimask';
Then use alimask(text, options) API.
alimask('王小为(小为) 888888'); alimask('王小为(小为) 888888', { color: '#f6dcd7' }); alimask('小泥巴(小美) 888888', { alpha: 0.5 });
2. API
The unique API is: alimask(text, options).
text (String): required, the text in the watermark image.
options (Object): optional, the options of watermark, with keys below:
width (Number): default is
. -
height (Number): default is
. -
color (String): the text color, default is
. -
alpha (Float): the text alpha(0 ~ 1), default is
. -
font (String): the text font style, default is
10px Arial
The api return the base64 string of watermark image which can be used in css background / img tag.
3. Build & Test
npm install
npm run build
npm test