go-redis-clientRedis 的 Go 客户端开发包
go-redis-client 是国内团队灵雀云开发的 Go 语言的 Redis 客户端开发包,支持 Redis 单机和集群。
- 自动键前缀
- 创建客户端实例时使用独立的参数对象
- 内部使用 github.com/go-redis/redis 客户端,当前使用的是 gopkg.in/redis.v5
- 客户端接口
package main import "redis" github.com/alauda/go-redis-client func main() { // check options.go for more details opts := redis.RedisClientOptions{ Type: redis.ClientNormal, Hosts: []string{"localhost:6379"}, Password: "123456", Database: 0, } client := redis.NewRedisClient(opts) if err := client.Ping().Err(); err != nil { panic(err) } // Using cluster mode clusterOpts := redis.RedisClientOptions{ Type: redis.ClientCluster, Hosts: []string{"localhost:7000","localhost:7001","localhost:7002"}, Password: "123456", Database: 0, // all keys with a prefix KeyPrefix: "my-app:", } clusterClient := redis.NewRedisClient(clusterOpts) if err := clusterClient.Ping().Err(); err != nil { panic(err) } }
Supported commands
- Ping
- Incr
- IncrBy
- Decr
- DecrBy
- Expire
- ExpireAt
- Persist
- PExpire
- PExpireAt
- Exists
- Get
- GetBit
- GetRange
- GetSet
- MGet
- Dump
- HExists
- HGet
- HGetAll
- HIncrBy
- HIncrByFloat
- HKeys
- HLen
- HMGet
- HMSet
- HSet
- HSetNX
- HVals
- LIndex
- LInsert
- LInsertAfter
- LInsertBefore
- LLen
- LPop
- LPush
- LPushX
- LRange
- lRem
- LSet
- LTrim
- RPop
- RPopLPush
- RPush
- RPushX
- Set
- Append
- Del
- Unlink
- SAdd
- SCard
- SDiff
- SDiffStore
- SInter
- SInterStore
- SIsMember
- SMembers
- SMove
- SPop
- SPopN
- SRandMember
- SRem
- SUnion
- SUnionStore
- ZAdd
- ZAddNX
- ZAddXX
- ZAddCh
- ZaddNXCh
- ZIncr
- ZIncrNX
- ZIncrXX
- ZCard
- ZCount
- ZIncrBy
- ZInterStore
- ZRange
- ZRangeWithScores
- ZRangeByScore
- ZRangeByLex
- ZRangeByScoreWithScores
- ZRank
- ZRem
- ZREmRangeByRank
- ZRemRangeByScore
- ZRemRangeByLex
- ZRevRange
- ZRevRangeWithScores
- ZRevRangeByScore
- ZRevRangeByLex
- ZRevRangeByScoreWithScores
- ZRevRank
- ZScore
- ZUnionStore
- BLPop
- BRPop
- BRPopLPush
- Type
- Scan
- SScan
- ZScan
- HScan
- Publish
- Subscribe
- Update to redis.v6
- Support RedisCluster Subscribe
- Better support for godoc
- Add docker-compose and example application
- Add tests