vim-monokai-tastyVIM Colour scheme
Monokai forever!
Unlike other monokai implementations, vim-monokai-tasty
targets named syntax groups from a variety of modern syntax group plugins (listed below). *74% tastier than competitors
*according to me
I recommend using Plug.
Add the following to your .vimrc
and run PlugInstall
Plug 'patstockwell/vim-monokai-tasty'
If you use Vundle:
Plugin 'patstockwell/vim-monokai-tasty'
Add the following to your .vimrc
(after the Plug declaration):
colorscheme vim-monokai-tasty
If you use a terminal that supports italic text, add (before the colorscheme declaration):
let g:vim_monokai_tasty_italic = 1
colorscheme vim-monokai-tasty
To use the included lightline.vim theme:
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'monokai_tasty',
\ }
To use the included vim-airline theme:
let g:airline_theme='monokai_tasty'
Additional plugins with targeted syntax groups
For JavaScript, TypeScript, and React development, monokai-tasty supports definitions from all these plugins. Add some of these for an even better look and feel:
Plug 'HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim'
Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
Plug 'MaxMEllon/vim-jsx-pretty'
Plug 'styled-components/vim-styled-components'
Plug 'elzr/vim-json'
Plug 'jparise/vim-graphql'
- If you use iterm2 (you should), there is an included monokai.itermcolors file.
- If you use GnuCoreutils there is a dircolors file (compliments the iterm colours)
Screen shots
Example .vimrc
" put Plug declaration first
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'patstockwell/vim-monokai-tasty'
Plug 'HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim'
Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
Plug 'MaxMEllon/vim-jsx-pretty'
Plug 'elzr/vim-json'
Plug 'styled-components/vim-styled-components'
Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim'
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
call plug#end()
let g:vim_monokai_tasty_italic = 1 " allow italics, set this before the colorscheme
colorscheme vim-monokai-tasty " set the colorscheme
" Optional themes for airline/lightline
let g:airline_theme='monokai_tasty' " airline theme
let g:lightline = { 'colorscheme': 'monokai_tasty' } " lightline theme
" If you don't like a particular colour choice from `vim-monokai-tasty`, you can
" override it here. For example, to change the colour of the search hightlight:
hi Search guifg=#bada55 guibg=#000000 gui=bold ctermfg=green ctermbg=black cterm=bold
" If you don't know what the name of a particular hightlight is, you can use
" `What`. It will print out the syntax group that the cursor is currently above.
" from
command! What echo synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name')
Colour palette
Colour name | Colour Code | Colour |
Yellow | #ffff87 |
Purple | #af87ff |
Light Green | #A4E400 |
Light Blue | #62D8F1 |
Magenta | #FC1A70 |
Orange | #FF9700 |
If you like vim-monokai-tasty
or find this plugin useful, you can support me by donating bitcoin to the following address.