jQuery Image GalleryjQuery UI 图片库
具有 Lightbox 效果和幻灯片功能的 jQuery UI 图片库。
open: function (event, ui) {/* called on dialogopen */},
title: 'Image Gallery', // Sets the dialog title
show: 'scale', // The effect to be used when the dialog is opened
hide: 'explode', // The effect to be used when the dialog is closed
offsetWidth: 50, // Offset of image width to viewport width
offsetHeight: 50, // Offset of image height to viewport height
slideshow: 5000, // Shows the next image after 5000 ms
fullscreen: true, // Displays images fullscreen (overrides offsets)
canvas: true, // Displays images as canvas elements
namespace: 'myimagegallery' // event handler namespace