AnyProxy 是一个基于 Node.js 的代理服务器。代理服务器是个中间人,站在了客户端和服务端中间,双方通信的每个比特,都会滴水不漏地经过它。它控制了完整的请求头、请求体、响应头、响应体,可以在客 户端与服务端都无感知的情况下介入处理所有的流程。只要代理服务器可以实现灵活配置,前端工程师们的奇葩需求就有出头之日了。
支持 https 明文代理
支持二次开发,可以用 javascript 控制代理的全部流程,搭建前端个性化调试环境
var proxy = require("anyproxy"); //create cert when you want to use https features //please manually trust this rootCA when it is the first time you run it! proxy.isRootCAFileExists() && proxy.generateRootCA();var options = { type : "http", port : 8001, hostname : "localhost", rule : require("path/to/my/ruleModule.js"), dbFile : null, // optional, save request data to a specified file, will use in-memory db if not specified webPort : 8002, // optional, port for web interface socketPort : 8003, // optional, internal port for web socket, replace this when it is conflict with your own service webConfigPort : 8088, // optional, internal port for web config(beta), replace this when it is conflict with your own service throttle : 10, // optional, speed limit in kb/s disableWebInterface : false, //optional, set it when you don't want to use the web interface silent : false //optional, do not print anything into terminal. do not set it when you are still debugging. };new proxy.proxyServer(options);