jQuery QuerystringjQuery URL参数插件
querystring({[selector], [defaultvalue].[returndefaultifempty]})
note; [returndefaultifempty] - if true returns defaultvalue if no querystrings (in the URL) else returns defualt vaue of querystrings if no querystrings
获取所有参数 querystring ({selector:[{id:"*"}]})
获取某个参数 querystring({selector:[{id:"querystring name"}]})
if you want all query strings to return the same certain value when you cant find them({selector:[{id:""}]}, deafaultvalue:"hello")
if you want all query strings to return a certain indvidual value when you cant find them({selector:[{id:"", deafaultvalue:"hello"}, {id:"", deafaultvalue:"bye"}]})
the last two examples can be used togther but indvidual defaultvalues will override the global one outside the selector array.
think you can write this documentation better contact me!