ChiselLLDB 指令集合
Chisel 是一个 LLDB 指令集合,用户辅助 iOS 应用差错。
#!/usr/bin/python # Example file with custom commands, located at /magical/commands/ import lldb import fblldbbase as fb def lldbcommands(): return [ PrintKeyWindowLevel() ] class PrintKeyWindowLevel(fb.FBCommand): def name(self): return 'pkeywinlevel' def description(self): return 'An incredibly contrived command that prints the window level of the key window.' def run(self, arguments, options): # It's a good habit to explicitly cast the type of all return # values and arguments. LLDB can't always find them on its own. lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('p (CGFloat)[(id) [(id)[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] windowLevel]')