Bricks for Firefox联合创作 · 2023-09-28 22:51Bricks for Firefox, theme optimized for using your own background. Based on the Nautipolis/LittleFox framework. 已更新 2008 年 06 月 15 日浏览 2点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享 编辑 分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐 Firefox 2 theme for Firefox 3FullpowerofnewgeckoenginewithagoodoldFirefox2face***Thelatestversion0.9.3youmaydownloadfrommyhomepagWalnut for FirefoxWalnut,basedonNautiPolis( FirefoxAsimpleandcolourfulthemefor...已更新2007年03月5日Nautipolis for FirefoxNautipolisforFirefox:ablendofretro,nauticalandgnome(,withFirefox MorseMorse - learn morse code while browsing the net...Littlefox for FirefoxLittleFox, designed for optimal screen usage, leavFirefox ShowcaseShowcase 扩展提供一种全新的标签页管理方法,它可以在一个单独的窗口中,或在侧栏或标签页中显示再见!Firefox玩转GitHub0再见!Firefox逆锋起笔0Firefox 2 theme for Firefox 3Full power of new gecko engine with a good old Fir点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享 编辑 分享 举报