Zhouyi Compass Optimizer

联合创作 · 2023-10-02 00:47

Compass Optimizer, 简称OPT, 是周易 Compass Neural Network Compiler (Python包名为AIPUBuilder) 工具链的一部分,主要负责将Compass Unified Parser转换后的浮点模型中间表示(IR),进一步优化(通过量化,计算图优化等手段)为适合在周易NPU硬件平台上执行的量化模型或混合精度模型中间表示。关于Compass IR规范及Compass SDK的更多介绍,参见https://aijishu.com/a/1060000000215443。






你可以通过Compass_Integration中的指引来编译一个包含OPT的AIPUBuilder, 关于AIPUBuilder的使用说明,请参考MiniPkg里面的说明书。



  • Python3 >= 3.8.5
  • NumPy >= 1.22.3
  • NetworkX >= 2.8
  • torch >= 1.11.1
  • torchvision >= 0.12.0



python3 ./AIPUBuilder/Optimizer/tools/optimizer_main.py --cfg ./opt.cfg


所有的选项必须在 Common 字段里面:

  • graph 输入Float IR的定义文件路径

  • bin 输入Float IR的权重文件路径

  • model_name 此模型的名称

  • dataset 用于读取此模型对应的数据集的插件类名称(可单独用optimizer_main.py --plugin命令查看所有已经实现的数据集插件类)

  • calibration_data 用于校准量化的数据集文件路径

  • calibration_batch_size 用于校准量化的batch_size

  • metric 用于计算此模型效果指标的插件类名称(可单独用optimizer_main.py --plugin命令查看所有已经实现的指标插件类),若不需要计算效果指标则不必设置此项

  • data 若设置了metric则指定对应用到的验证数据集文件路径

  • label 若设置了metric则指定对应用到的验证数据集的标注文件路径

  • metric_batch_size 若设置了metric则指定对应前向运算时的batch_size

  • quantize_method_for_weight 量化模型权重的方法,包括:

    • per_tensor_symmetric_restricted_range

    • per_tensor_symmetric_full_range

    • per_channel_symmetric_restricted_range

    • per_channel_symmetric_full_range


  • quantize_method_for_activation 量化模型激活响应的方法,包括:

    • per_tensor_symmetric_restricted_range

    • per_tensor_symmetric_full_range

    • per_tensor_asymmetric


  • weight_bits 量化模型权重参数的比特位宽,默认为8

  • bias_bits 量化模型偏置参数的比特位宽,默认为32

  • activation_bits 量化模型激活响应的比特位宽,默认为8

  • lut_items_in_bits 量化计算部分数学函数(如sigmoid, tanh等)时用到的lut查找表大小(用2的lut_items_in_bits次方表示),默认为8即表项数为256项。当activation_bits改变时需对应调整此设置以平衡性能和精度(lut表越大精度越高,但是占用消耗的资源也越多)

  • output_dir 输出IR和其它文件的目录

更多可配置的选项及其含义描述可执行optimizer_main.py --field查看。



AIPUBuilder/Optimizer/test/model_test/squeezenet内给出了一个典型的模型测试用例,进入该目录执行sh ./run.sh即可,更多完整的模型用例可参见Zhouyi Model Zoo


单算子的测试可以看成是一种特殊的模型测试,按单算子的IR定义构造好测试用IR(及其输入数据)后,复用模型测试的流程即可,在AIPUBuilder/Optimizer/test/op_test内给出了一个典型的算子测试用例,进入该目录执行sh ./run.sh即可。



opt flow

  1. 读取Parser产生的Float IR, 并构建生成一个内部统一图表征g。
  2. 对g执行一次全零输入的前向运算以检查正确性。
  3. 对g进行一轮量化前的计算图优化。
  4. 基于给定的校准数据集做前向运算,并统计出图中各张量的各种统计量。
  5. 对g进行一轮量化相关的计算图优化。
  6. 按给定配置对相应的层做量化转换产生新的图表征qg。
  7. 对qg进行量化后的计算图优化。
  8. 对qg执行一次全零输入的前向运算以检查正确性。
  9. 输出此优化后的量化或混合精度IR。
  10. 最后根据配置决定是否导出中间张量,以及是否根据给定的验证数据集计算模型效果指标。




如下是OPT核心数据结构的概览: opt uml

  • Dtype定义了IR中可能出现的各种基础数据类型
  • PyTensor为OPT中表达张量的基础类,其实际数据存储和计算通过torch.Tensor进行
  • PyNode表征模型中层节点(layer)的概念,层与层的连接关系通过共享的边(即inputs和outputs中存储的PyTensor实例)来体现
  • PyGraph表征整个模型结构,里面存储了所有的层节点,其拓扑结构通过内部的networkx.DiGraph实例进行维护。QuantizeGraph作为PyGraph的子类被OptMaster类实际使用到
  • OptMaster类控制OPT整个的执行流程,并根据配置文件动态实例化模型的输入数据提供(dataset)类和输出数据处理(metric)类


最常见的OPT开发范式即为添加支持更多的Operator, Dataset, Metric插件以支持自己的专属模型,因此这里对各类插件的开发加以详细介绍。对其它OPT功能的扩充或修正(量化方式、校准算法、图优化算法等)在此从略。



  • aipubt_opt_op_ for the optimizer operator plugin.
  • aipubt_opt_dataset_ for the dataset plugin of the optimizer.
  • aipubt_opt_metric_ for the metric plugin of the optimizer.



  1. 环境变量AIPUPLUGIN_PATH所指定的路径,设定方式类似如下: export AIPUPLUGIN_PATH=/home/user/aipubuilder_plugins/:$AIPUPLUGIN_PATH
  2. 当前路径下的plugin文件目录,即./plugin/.

Operator plugin编写

Operator plugin需要实现并注册两个接口:

  • 使用op_register(OpType, version)注册forward函数forward_function_name(self, *args).
  • 使用quant_register(OpType, version)注册quantize函数quantize_function_name(self, *args).


from AIPUBuilder.Optimizer.framework import *
from AIPUBuilder.Optimizer.utils import *


@op_register(OpType.DummyOP, '1024')
def dummy_forward(self, *args):
    #self.inputs and self.outputs are lists of PyTensors of this layer
    #PyTensor.betensor is the really backend tensor variable and is a instance of torch.Tensor
    inp = self.inputs[0]
    out = self.outputs[0]
    #self.constants is an ordered-dictionary for storing constant tensors, such as weights and biases
    #suggest to use self.get_constant to safely visit it
    w = self.constants['weights'] if 'weights' in self.constants else 0

    #'OPT_DEBUG, OPT_INFO, OPT_WARN, OPT_ERROR, OPT_FATAL' are basic log APIs, and only OPT_FATAL will abort execution
    OPT_INFO('layer_type=%s, layer_name=%s' % (str(self.type), self.name))

    if self.name in ['name_of_layer_x', 'name_of_layer_y'] :
        print('you can set a breakpoint here for debug usage')
    #self.attrs is an ordered-dictionary for storing the intermediate parameters, which is not writing to IR
    #suggest to use self.get_attrs to safely get a atrribute
    if self.get_attrs('layer_id') in ['2', '4', '8'] :
        print('you can also set breakpoint here in this way for debug usage')

    #self.current_batch_size indicate the current batch_size the dataloader offers
    dummy_var = inp.betensor + self.current_batch_size
    #self.quantized is flag maintained by the optimizer framework that indicates whether it's a quant_forward or normal_forward
    if self.quantized :
        #self.params is an ordered-dictionary for storing the necessary parameters
        #suggest to use self.get_param to safely get a parameter
        if self.get_param('whether_plus_one') :
            dummy_var += 1
    else :
        if self.get_param('whether_minus_one') :
            dummy_var -= 1
    out.betensor = inp.betensor if True else dummy_var

    #self.placeholders is a list where you can store temporary PyTensors for whatever you like
    if len(self.placeholders) < 1 :
        #you can use PyTensor(tensor_name) to construct an empty PyTensor,
        #or use PyTensor(tensor_name, numpy_array) to construct and initialize a PyTensor
        #dtype2nptype is a utility function in AIPUBuilder.Optimizer.utils and you can access many other utility functions here
        #Dtype defines data types NN compiler supports
        ph0 = Tensor(self.name+"/inner_temp_vars", (inp.betensor+1).cpu().numpy().astype(dtype2nptype(Dtype.FP32)))
    else :
        #if the ph0 has already been put into placeholders, then we only need to update its value every time when dummy_forward is called
        self.placeholders[0].betensor = inp.betensor + 1

@quant_register(OpType.DummyOP, '1024')
def dummy_quantize(self, *args):
    inp = self.inputs[0]
    out = self.outputs[0]
    #PyTensor.scale is the linear quantization scale
    out.scale = inp.scale
    #PyTensor.zerop is the linear quantization zero point
    out.zerop = inp.zerop
    #PyTensor.qbits is the quantization bit width
    out.qbits = inp.qbits
    #PyTensor.dtype is the quantization Dtype information
    out.dtype = inp.dtype
    #PyTensor.qinvariant indicates whether the tensor is quantization invariant (like index values), and if it's True, the scale = 1.0, zerop=0
    out.qinvariant = inp.qinvariant
    #PyTensor.qmin and PyTensor.qmax are the clamp boundaries when tensor is quantized
    out.qmin = inp.qmin
    out.qmax = inp.qmax

    ph0 = self.placeholders[0]
    ph0.qinvariant = False
    #q_bits_weight, q_bits_bias, q_bits_activationin in self.attrs are used to carry the quantization bits information from per-layer opt_config file
    ph0.qbits = self.get_attrs('q_bits_activation')
    #q_mode_weight, q_mode_bias, q_mode_activationin in self.attrs are used to carry the quantization mode (per-tensor or per-channel, symmetric or asymmetric) information from per-layer opt_config file
    q_mode_activation = self.get_attrs('q_mode_activation')
    #get_linear_quant_params_from_tensor is a utility function in AIPUBuilder.Optimizer.utils and you can access many other utility functions here
    ph0.scale, ph0.zerop, ph0.qmin, ph0.qmax, ph0.dtype = get_linear_quant_params_from_tensor(ph0, q_mode_activation, ph0.qbits, is_signed = True)

    #you can set simple parameters to self.params which will be wrote to IR when serialize the model.
    self.params['whether_plus_one'] = True
    self.params['whether_minus_one'] = False
    #you can set complicated parameters like lookup tables to self.constants which will also be wrote to IR when serialize the model
    self.constants['lut'] = Tensor(self.name+"/lut", (torch.zeros(256)).cpu().numpy().astype(dtype2nptype(Dtype.UINT16)))

需要补充说明的是,optimizer初始读入float IR后会做一次normal foward以保证每个算子的quantize函数被调用之前,其forward函数一定会至少被调用过一次(forward函数被调用之前不保证一定调用过quantize函数),因此,在forward函数内正确设定的placeholder或attrs等属性值在quantize函数内可以顺利被读取,而反之则不一定可以。更详细而有实用意义的样例可以参考AIPUBuilder/Optimizer/ops目录下的内置算子。

Dataset plugin编写

Dataset plugin直接继承自torch.utils.data.Dataset类,实现时需提供三个公共接口__init__, __len__ and __getitem__,具体实例见如下NumpyDatset类:

from AIPUBuilder.Optimizer.framework import *
from AIPUBuilder.Optimizer.logger import *
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
import numpy as np

@register_plugin(PluginType.Dataset, '1.0')
class NumpyDataset(Dataset):
    #when used as calibration dataset, label_file can be omitted.
    def __init__(self, data_file, label_file=None):
        self.data = None
        self.label = None
            self.data = np.load(data_file, mmap_mode='c')
        except Exception as e:
            OPT_FATAL('the data of NumpyDataset plugin should be Numpy.ndarray and allow_pickle=False.')
        if label_file is not None:
                self.label = np.load(label_file, mmap_mode='c')
            except ValueError:
                self.label = np.load(label_file, allow_pickle=True)
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.data)
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        #Assume that all preprocesses have been done before save to npy file.
        #If the graph has single input tensor,
        #the data part sample[0] will be passed to the input node as is,
        #if the graph has multiple input tensors,
        #the data part sample[0][i] should be consistent with input_tensors[i] in IR.
        #If the graph has multiple output tensors,
        #the label part sample[1][i] should be consistent with output_tensors[i] in IR.
        sample = [[self.data[idx]], float("-inf")]
        if self.label is not None:
            sample[1] = self.label[idx]
        return sample

Dataset plugin的核心是通过__len__接口告知OPT对应数据的规模,并通过__getitem__接口返回的sample[0]作为模型每一次forward运算的输入(用户模型要求的输入数据规范仅用户完全知晓),sample[1]作为groundtruth标签信息会由OPT透传给相应的Metric plugin(用户模型对应的输出和标签含义信息仅用户完全知晓)。 需要特别说明的是:

  • 注册时传入的第一个参数指明了plugin的类别是PluginType.Dataset。第二个参数作为版本号,即当有多个同名同类plugin时,会实际调用版本号更大的。
  • 实例化Dataset plugin时,会传入两个参数(在cfg文件中用相关字段指定其取值):data_filelabel_file。这两个参数既可以是实际存放data或label的文件路径,也可以是间接存放一系列其它文件信息的纯文本文件的路径(具体的解析过程全由编写者定制)。
  • 所有的数据预处理操作,既可以提前做好后存于硬盘(推荐采用此种方式),实际运行时仅作反序列化读取以加快forward运行,也可以是在__getitem__函数内部进行(如存储的数据按NHWC格式,但模型要求NCHW格式,则读取数据后执行相应的permute操作后再填入返回;又如存储的标签索引按从0开始,但模型要求按从1开始,则读取后做相应的offset操作后再填入返回;再如存储的数据未做某种归一化,但模型要求归一化后的数据输入,则读取后做相应的归一化操作后再填入返回)。
  • 当模型有多个输入或输出时,__getitem__返回的sample需与float IR中定义的输入输出顺序一致,即sample[0]指定的data list需与IR中input_tensors顺序一致,sample[1]指定的label list需与IR中output_tensors顺序一致(若调用的Metric plugin对label数据另有要求,则按该Metric plugin的要求)。

Metric plugin编写

Metric plugin需要继承自OptBaseMetric类,用@register_plugin(PluginType.Metric, version)注册(version表示版本号,当有同类同名plugin时会优先调用高版本号的),并实现__init__, __call__, reset, compute, report接口。每个接口的含义和编写方式将结合以下代码示例加以说明:

from AIPUBuilder.Optimizer.framework import *
from AIPUBuilder.Optimizer.logger import *
import torch

@register_plugin(PluginType.Metric, '1.0')
class TopKMetric(OptBaseMetric):
    #you can pass any string parameters from cfg file, and parse it to what you really want
    #e.g. you can set 'metric = TopKMetric,TopKMetric(5),TopKMetric(10)' in cfg file to enable
    #calculate top1, top5 and top10 accuracy together
    def __init__(self, K='1'):
        self.correct = 0
        self.total = 0
        self.K = int(K)
    #will be called after every batch iteration, the pred is model's output_tensors (the same order in IR),
    #the target is the sample[1] generated by dataset plugin,
    #during quantize_forward the pred will be dequantized before calling metric
    def __call__(self, pred, target):
        _, pt = torch.topk(pred[0].reshape([pred[0].shape[0], -1]), self.K, dim=-1)    #NHWC
        for i in range(target.numel()):
            if target[i] in pt[i]:
                self.correct += 1
        self.total += target.numel()
    #will be called before every epoch iteration to reset the initial state
    def reset(self):
        self.correct = 0
        self.total = 0
    #will be called after every epoch iteration to get the final metric score
    def compute(self):
            acc = float(self.correct) / float(self.total)
            return acc
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            OPT_ERROR('zeroDivisionError: Topk acc total label = 0')
            return float("-inf")
    #will be called when outputing a string format metric report
    def report(self):
        return "top-%d accuracy is %f" % (self.K, self.compute())


  • Metric plugin支持从cfg文件传递构造参数,但仅限于字符串类型,编写plugin时需自行进行字符串类型参数到目标类型的转换。
  • 传递给metric plugin的模型输出结果顺序与IR中的output_tensors顺序一致,同时传递的target即为Dataset plugin中给出的sample[1],pred(quant_forward时会提前自动做反量化)和target之间的对应关系以及计算指标的逻辑完全由用户把控。




在提交代码前,强烈建议进行一定的本地测试。最直接有效的测试用例可以在Zhouyi Model Zoo中采样并修改复用。如果是修改现有功能或者添加了新功能,记得在对应测试用例的配置文件中使能相应功能。如果是修改或添加算子,记得在所采样或构造的测试用例中包含相应的算子。

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