AFOAuth1Client支持 OAuth 1.0a 认证的 AFNetworking 扩展
AFNetworking 的扩展,用于支持 OAuth 1.0a 认证。
AFOAuth1Client *twitterClient = [[[AFOAuth1Client alloc] initWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] key:@"..." secret:@"..."] autorelease]; // Your application will be sent to the background until the user authenticates, and then the app will be brought back using the callback URL [twitterClient authorizeUsingOAuthWithRequestTokenPath:@"/request_token" userAuthorizationPath:@"/authorize" callbackURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"x-com-YOUR-APP-SCHEME://success"] accessTokenPath:@"/access_token" success:^(AFOAuth1Token *accessToken) { NSLog(@"Success: %@", accessToken); NSLog(@"Your OAuth credentials are now set in the `Authorization` HTTP header"); } failure:^(NSError *error) { NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); }];