Meep (MEEP) 是 MIT 开发的免费的时域有限差分(FDTD)模拟软件,用来模拟电磁系统,包括了 MIT 的 MPB 固有模式包。
模拟 1d, 2d, 3d 和圆柱坐标
任意系统的并行分布式存储支持 MPI 标准。同时可移植到 Unix 类系统(也支持 GNU/Linux)
PML 吸收边界 和/或 完美的导体 和/或 Bloch-periodic 边界条件
Exploitation of symmetries to reduce the computation size — even/odd mirror symmetries and 90°/180° rotations.
Complete scriptability — either via a Scheme scripting front-end (as in libctl and MPB), or callable as a C++ library; a Python interface is also available.
Field output in the HDF5 standard scientific data format, supported by many visualization tools.
Arbitrary material and source distributions.
Field analyses including flux spectra, Maxwell stress tensor, frequency extraction, local density of states and energy integrals; completely programmable.
Multi-parameter optimization, root-finding, integration, etcetera (via libctl).
Meep 遵循 MIT Electromagnetic Equation Propagation 官方标准,同时也包括一些 acronym 的非官方的东西。