phpFastCachePHP 缓存库
phpFastCache 是一个开源的 PHP 缓存库,只提供一个简单的 PHP 文件,可方便集成到已有项目,支持多种缓存方法,包括:apc, memcache, memcached, wincache, files, pdo and mpdo。可通过简单的 API 来定义缓存的有效时间。
<?php // In your config file include("php_fast_cache.php"); // This is Optional Config only. You can skip these lines. // phpFastCache support "apc", "memcache", "memcached", "wincache" ,"files", "pdo", "mpdo" and "xcache" // You don't need to change your code when you change your caching system. Or simple keep it auto phpFastCache::$storage = "auto"; // End Optionals // In your Class, Functions, PHP Pages // try to get from Cache first. $products = phpFastCache::get("products_page"); if($products == null) { $products = YOUR DB QUERIES || GET_PRODUCTS_FUNCTION; // set products in to cache in 600 seconds = 10 minutes phpFastCache::set("products_page",$products,600); } foreach($products as $product) { // Output Your Contents HERE } ?>