Affix 是 Nokia 开发的 Linux 下的蓝牙通讯堆栈,基于 GPL 发布。Affix 支持核心蓝牙协议包括:HCI, L2CAP 1.1, L2CAP 1.2, RFCOMM, SDP 和各种不同的蓝牙 profiles
Affix features:
Affix support Bluetooth specification 1.1 and 1.2.
Modular implementation.
Socket interface to L2CAP 1.1, L2CAP 1.2 and RFCOMM protocols.
Bluetooth module interface independence.
SMP safe.
Multiple Bluetooth devices support.
Unified interface for all transport drivers. It makes it hardware independently.
Affix has been tested on the following platforms:
ARM (e.g. Compaq iPaq).
PowerPC (e.g. iMac).
However, other platforms capable of running Linux should also work.
Affix supports the following Bluetooth Profiles:
General Access Profie
Service Discovery Profile
Serial Port Profile
DialUp Networking Profile
LAN Access Profile
OBEX Object Push Profile
OBEX File Transfer Profile
PAN Profile
FAX Profile
HID Profile