AppIntroAndroid 引导页库
AppIntro 是一个让人轻松快速搭建漂亮酷炫的引导页库。
repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { compile 'com.github.paolorotolo:appintro:3.4.0' }
继承 AppIntro
public class MyIntro extends AppIntro { // Please DO NOT override onCreate. Use init. @Override public void init(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Add your slide's fragments here. // AppIntro will automatically generate the dots indicator and buttons. addSlide(first_fragment); addSlide(second_fragment); addSlide(third_fragment); addSlide(fourth_fragment); // Instead of fragments, you can also use our default slide // Just set a title, description, background and image. AppIntro will do the rest. addSlide(AppIntroFragment.newInstance(title, description, image, background_colour)); // OPTIONAL METHODS // Override bar/separator color. setBarColor(Color.parseColor("#3F51B5")); setSeparatorColor(Color.parseColor("#2196F3")); // Hide Skip/Done button. showSkipButton(false); setProgressButtonEnabled(false); // Turn vibration on and set intensity. // NOTE: you will probably need to ask VIBRATE permisssion in Manifest. setVibrate(true); setVibrateIntensity(30); } @Override public void onSkipPressed() { // Do something when users tap on Skip button. } @Override public void onDonePressed() { // Do something when users tap on Done button. } @Override public void onSlideChanged() { // Do something when the slide changes. } @Override public void onNextPressed() { // Do something when users tap on Next button. } }