
联合创作 · 2023-09-30 19:29


功能 Feature

  • 通过命令格式创建std::chrono::Datetime(Created by date format)
  • 简洁的Api格式,轻度且可拆分的函数库(Simple Api, light and detachable library)
  • 快速创建调度器(Quickly create a scheduler)
  • 可控的调度器时间粒度[需要提前指定](Controllable scheduler time granularity [Need to specify in advance])
  • 多线程调度模式(Multi-thread scheduling mode)
  • 时间周期,次数多模式可控[支持每天、每周、每月](Time period, multi-mode controllable number of times [support daily, weekly, monthly])
  • 可以获取下一次执行时间[Chrono Datetime](Can get the string of the next execution time)
  • 自定义起始TimerId的种子(Customize the seed of the starting TimerId)
  • 自定义TimerId的生成函数[自生成ID请注意并发场景下的线程争抢](Custom TimerId generation trait [Self-generated ID, please pay attention to thread contention in concurrent scenarios])
  • TimerId扩展为i64,支持大ID和timestampId生成器(TimerId is i64, supporting large Id and timestampId generator correspondence)

日期格式 Date Format

The scheduler has a light date pattern analysis system, which can provide daily, weekly, and monthly time and date generation methods


关键字 Key 格式 Format 说明 Description
Day Day 00:00:00 生成每日的日期时间
Week Week 1 00:00:00 生成每周的日期时间, 0~6 分别代表周日到周六
Month Month 1 00:00:00 生成每月该日期的时间,建议不要使用28日之后的日期
Key Format Description
Day Day 00:00:00 Generate daily date and time
Week Week 1 00:00:00 Generate weekly date and time, 0~6 represent Sunday to Saturday
Month Month 1 00:00:00 The time when the date of the month was generated, it is recommended not to use the date after the 28th


parser date format

use grapeTimerR::parsers;
// get next tick Datetime
let next_day = parsers::parser_next("Day 05::00:00").unwrap();
// get next timestamp
let next_dayTime = parsers::parser_timestamp("Day 05::00:00").unwrap();

// utc
let next_dayUtc = parsers::parser_nextUtc("Day 05::00:00").unwrap();
let next_dayTimeUtc = parsers::parser_timestampUtc("Day 05::00:00").unwrap();

add ticker

    fn executer_task(id:u64) {
        println!("on function mode:{}",chrono::Local::now().to_rfc2822());
    // 使用函数方式执行代码 Use function to execute code
    // 使用闭包模式 Use closure function
    timer::spwan_ticker(time::Duration::from_millis(5000),2,|x| {
        println!("on ticker:{}",chrono::Local::now().to_rfc2822());

add ticker by trait mode

struct ExempleAction {}

// 首先我们定义一个结构体
//First we define a struct
impl TaskAction for ExempleAction {
    // 实际执行的代码段
    // Code snippet executed
    fn execute(&self, id: u64) {
        println!("on trait struct:{}",chrono::Local::now().to_rfc2822());

    // 不使用的话,返回一个空字符串
    // If not used, return an empty string,like ""
    fn date_format(&self) -> &str {
        return ""

    // 如果你不使用date_format,就必须使用这个参数,否则异常。
    // If you don't use date_format, you must use this parameter, otherwise it is panic.
    // 时间单位 毫秒 ,time unit is millisecond
    fn tick(&self) -> u64 {
        return 5000;

    // 这里需要自定义ID或将其设置为一个组的ID,所以停止任务会停止这个组
    // Here you need to customize the ID or set it to the GroupId or TaskType Id,
    // so stopping the task will stop the group
    fn id(&self) -> u64 {
        return 18888;

    // 循环的次数
    fn loop_count(&self) -> i32 {
       return 15;

    // 使用trait任务,可以简化部分实际逻辑
    // Using trait tasks can simplify part of the actual logic

add date

timer::spwan_date("day 19:21:50",1,|id| {
    println!("on date:{}",chrono::Local::now().to_rfc2822());


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