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2020-04-10 23:25

代码注释是一种用“高级”英语陈述,描述程序将要做什么的“艺术”。有人嫌它丑,也有人觉得它还蛮有用的。 但还有一些“闷骚”的程序猿,早已把代码注释玩儿出了花。玩梗、吐槽、画画……还有什么是他们不能做的?

i++; //increment i
// Magic. Do not touch.
return 1; # returns 1
return null; //Not really null
// sometimes I believe compilerignores all my comments
// I am not responsible of thiscode.// They made me write it, against my will.
// I dedicate all this code, all mywork, to my wife, Darlene, who //will have to support me and our three childrenand the dog once it //gets released into the public.

# To understand recursion, see thebottom of this fileAt the bottom of the file# To understand recursion, see thetop of this file

//// Dear maintainer://// Once you are done trying to  optimize  this routine,// and have realized what a terrible mistake that was,// please increment the following counter as a warning// to the next guy://// total_hours_wasted_here = 42

//private instance variable forstoring agepublic static int age;

//Dear future me. Please forgiveme.//I can t even begin to express how sorry I am.

#define TRUE FALSE//Happy debugging suckers

//open lid
//take sh!t
//close lidComments for a File open, data dump, file close…

/* You are not meant to understandthis */

const int TEN=10; // As if thevalue of 10 will fluctuate...

//When I wrote this, only God and Iunderstood what I was doing//Now, God only knows

/** TODO: Remove this function
function remove($customer_id) {$this->Customer->remove($id); }

// I m sorry.

// drunk, fix later

// I am not responsible of thiscode.

//This code sucks, you know it andI know it.

/* Please work */
// I have to find a better job
// Joe is sorryA few hundred lineslater...// Harry is sorry too
Catch (Exception e) {//who cares?}
// IE7 update. this is still badcode, but IE8 is probably a long way off :)
#Christmas tree initializer toConnect = [] toRead =   [ ] toWrite = [    ]  primes = [     ] responses = {} remaining = {}
// Remove this if you wanna befired
// somedev1 -  6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Loginscreen// somedev2 -  5/22/07 Temporary my ass
// no comments for you// it was hard to write// so it should be hard to read
// This comment is selfexplanatory.
// If this code works, it waswritten by Paul DiLascia. If not, I don t know// who wrote it

} catch (PartInitException pie) {// Mmm... pie

int main(void)/* Program starts here */

// Houston, we have a problem

// I am not sure if we need this,but too scared to delete.

// Autogenerated, do not edit. Allchanges will be undone.

// If this comment is removed the programwill blow up

//This code sucks, you know it andI know it. //Move on and call me an idiot later.

/** * Always returns true. */public boolean isAvailable() {return false;}

// hack for ie browser (assumingthat ie is a browser)

// Joe is sorryFew Hundred Lines Later// Harry is sorry too
///////////////////////////////////////this is a well commented line
Exception up = newException("Something is really wrong.");throw up;  //ha ha
// TODO - Comment this function
//Mr. Compiler, please do not readthis.

//If you re reading this, then myprogram is probably a success
// All bugs added by David S.Miller

Catch (Exception e) {//eat it}

Repeat    ...Until (JesusChristsReturn) // Not sure
// This should fix something thatshould never happen
// somedev1 -  6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Loginscreen// somedev2 -  5/22/07 Temporary my ass
//todo: never to be implemented
//I am not sure why this works butit fixes the problem.
/*** For the brave souls who get this far: You are the chosen ones,* the valiant knights of programming who toil away, without rest,* fixing our most awful code. To you, true saviors, kings of men,* I say this: never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down,* never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry,* never gonna say goodbye. Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.*/
// simply copied from another code
//This is a kind of magic.
//Please comment on your sourcecode
int MyFunction(){// There once was a man named Daveint Result = 0;
// Whose code just wouldn t behave MyObject *Ptr = new MyObject();
// He left to go to a meetin Result = Ptr->DoSomething();
// And left his memory a leakin return Result;}
////3.4  JeK  My manager promised me a lap dance if I canfix this release//3.5  JeK  Still waiting for that dance from my manager//3.6  JeK  My manager got changed, the new manager ishairy, dont want the dance anymore//3.7  Jek  Got that dance, yuck!//
public boolean isDirty() {//Why do you always go out andreturn dirty;}
# as you can see: I comment thecode!
// TODO: Finish.
/*after hours of consulting the tome of googlei have discovered that by the will of unknown forceswithout the below line, IE7 believes that 6px = 12px*/font-size: 0px;
public GetRandomNumber(){// Chosen by a fairly rolen dicereturn 12;}
// *** drunk -- fix later ***
// TODO: Delete
// if i ever see this again i mgoing to start bringing guns to work

// For the sins I am about tocommit, may James Gosling forgive me
def format_ticket_content(text,recursive = true)  if text.is_a?(TicketNote)    note = text    text = note.content  else    note = nil  end
## Safety pig has arrived! text = h(text) ## _ ## _._ _..._ .- , _.._(`)) ## -. ` /-._.- ,/ ## ) . ## / _ _ | ## | a a / | ## .-. ; ## -( ).- , ; ## -; | . ## / ## | 7 .__ _.- ## | | | ``/ /` / ## /,_| | /,_/ / ## /,_/ `- ##
//I m sorry, but our princess is inanother castle.
long long ago; /* in a galaxy farfar away */
try {
} finally { // should never happen
/* * You may think you know what thefollowing code does. * But you dont. Trust me. * Fiddle with it, and youll spend many asleepless * night cursing the moment you thoughtyoud be clever * enough to "optimize" thecode below. * Now close this file and go play withsomething else. */
//If you even THINK of changingthis code, you may have already gone //too far
// Replaces with spaces the bracesin cases where braces in places //cause stasis   $str =str_replace(array("{","}")," ",$str);
/* Ah ah ah! You ll neverunderstand why this one works. */
// This only exists because Scottdoesn t know how to use const //correctly
// All this code is yours, exceptgedit()...attempt no modifications //there.
else{// wobbly wilson said this would*never* happen!!}
//this formula is right, work outthe math yourself if you don t believe me
stop(); // Hammertime!
// Abandon all hope you who needsto debug this
//This was clearly written underduress
doRun.run();  // ... "a doo run run".
// Whoever put this here is anidiot…this doesn’t work at all !
// TODO make this work
                                  .=     .`/,/!(=)Zm.                               .._,,._..  ,-`- `, ` -` -`\7//WW.                        ,v=~/.-,---!|V-s.)iT-|s|-.    `///mK%.                    v!`i!-.e]-g`bT/i(/[=.Z/m)K(YNYi..  /-]i44M.                 v`/,`|v]-DvLcfZ/eV/iDLND/ZK@%8W[Z..  `/d!Z8m                //,c(2(X/NYNY8]ZZ/bZd()/WY%WKKW)  - |(][%4.             ,\ic(e)WX@WKKZKDKWMZ8(b5/ZK8]Z7%ffVM,  -.Y!bNMi             /-iit5N)KWG%%8%%%%W8%ZWM(8YZvD)XN(@. [   ]!/GXW[             /))G8NMN%W%%%%%%%%%%8KK@WZKYK*ZG5KMi,-  vi[NZGM[           i!(44Y8K%8%%%**~YZYZ@%%%%%4KWZ/PKN)ZDZ7   c=//WZK%!          ,YtMZW8W%%f`,`.t/bNZZK%%W%%ZXb*K(K5DZ   -c\/KM48            -|c5PbM4DDW%f  v./c[tMY8W%PMW%D@KW)Gbf   -/(=ZZKM8[            2(N8YXWK85@K   - c|K4/KKK%@ V%@@WD8e~  .//ct)8ZK%8`      =)b%]Nd)@KM[  ! cG!iWYK%%|   !M@KZf   -c))ZDKW%`             YYKWZGNM4/Pb   -VscP4]b@W%      Mf`  -L///KM(%W!              !KKW4ZK/W7)Z.  /cttbY)DKW%     -` . ,)K(5KW%%f                W)KWKZZg)Z2/,!/L(-DYYb54%  ,,`, --/v(((KK5WW%f                 M4NDDKZZ(e!/7vNTtZd)8Mi!-,-/i-v((tKNGN%W%%                  M8M88(Zd))///((|DDY\KK-`/-i(=)KtNNN@W%%%@%[                 !8%@KW5KKN4///s(Pd!ROBY8/=2(/4ZdzKD%K%%%M8@%%                   %%%W%dGNtPK(c/2[Z(ttNYZ2NZW8W8K%%%%YKM%M%%.                    *%%W%GW5@/%!e]_tZdY()v)ZXMZW%W%%%*5Y]K%ZK%8[                     *%%%%8%8WK)[/ZmZ/Zi]!/M%%%%@f Y/NNMK%%!                       VM%%%%W%WN5Z/Gt5/b)((cV@f`  -|cZbMKW%%|          V*M%%%WZ/ZG5((+)L -,,/ -)X(NWW%%                                `~`MZ/DZGNZG5(((,    ,t\Z)KW%@          M8K%8GN85(5///]i!vK)85W%%f                                    YWWKKKKWZ8G54X/GGMeK@WM8%@                                      !M8%8%48WG@KWYbW%WWW%%%@                                          VM%WKWK%8K%%8WWWW%%%@`                                           ~*%%%%%%W%%%%%%%@~                                                ~*MM%%%%%%@f`

// If you delete the credits, I will fucking kill you.

/************************************************************        *                                                          *        * .=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-.       *        *   |                     ______                     |      *        *   |                  .-"      "-.                  |      *        *   |                 /                             |      *        *   |    _          |              |          _    |      *        *   |    (         |,  .-. .-.  ,|         / )   |      *        *   |    > "=._     | )(__/  __)( |    _.=" <     |      *        *   |   (_/"=._"=._ |/    /     | _.="_.="_)    |     *        *   |          "=._"(_     ^^     _)"_.="           |      *        *   |              "=__|IIIIII|__/="               |      *        *   |              _.="| IIIIII/|"=._              |      *        *   |   _     _.="_.="          /"=._"=._     _   |      *        *   |   ( _.="_.="     `--------`     "=._"=._/ )   |     *        *   |   > _.="                           "=._ <    |      *        *   |  (_/                                   _)   |      *        *   |                                               |      *        *   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=       *        *                                                          *        *      LASCIATE OGNI SPERANZA, VOICH ENTRATE               *              LEAVE EVERY HOPE, YOU COME IN       *************************************************************/

// If I from the future read thisI ll back in time and kill myself.

// TODO: Fix this.  Fix what?

/*This isn t the right way to deal with this, but today is my last day, Ronjust spilled coffee on my desk, and I m hungry, so this will have to do...*/
return 12; // 12 is my lucky number

using namespace std;            // So sue me



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