Spring Boot 定时任务,怎么实现任务动态增删启停?
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2021-10-17 10:10
在spring boot项目中,可以通过@EnableScheduling注解和@Scheduled注解实现定时任务,也可以通过SchedulingConfigurer接口来实现定时任务。但是这两种方式不能动态添加、删除、启动、停止任务。要实现动态增删启停定时任务功能,比较广泛的做法是集成Quartz框架。
future; /** * 取消定时任务 */ public void cancel() { ScheduledFuture> future = this.future; if (future != null) { future.cancel(true); } }}添加Runnable接口实现类,被定时任务线程池调用,用来执行指定bean里面的方法。Spring Boot 学习笔记这个分享给你。public class SchedulingRunnable implements Runnable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchedulingRunnable.class); private String beanName; private String methodName; private String params; public SchedulingRunnable(String beanName, String methodName) { this(beanName, methodName, null); } public SchedulingRunnable(String beanName, String methodName, String params) { this.beanName = beanName; this.methodName = methodName; this.params = params; } @Override public void run() { logger.info("定时任务开始执行 - bean:{},方法:{},参数:{}", beanName, methodName, params); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { Object target = SpringContextUtils.getBean(beanName); Method method = null; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params)) { method = target.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName, String.class); } else { method = target.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName); } ReflectionUtils.makeAccessible(method); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params)) { method.invoke(target, params); } else { method.invoke(target); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(String.format("定时任务执行异常 - bean:%s,方法:%s,参数:%s ", beanName, methodName, params), ex); } long times = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; logger.info("定时任务执行结束 - bean:{},方法:{},参数:{},耗时:{} 毫秒", beanName, methodName, params, times); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; SchedulingRunnable that = (SchedulingRunnable) o; if (params == null) { return beanName.equals(that.beanName) && methodName.equals(that.methodName) && that.params == null; } return beanName.equals(that.beanName) && methodName.equals(that.methodName) && params.equals(that.params); } @Override public int hashCode() { if (params == null) { return Objects.hash(beanName, methodName); } return Objects.hash(beanName, methodName, params); }}添加定时任务注册类,用来增加、删除定时任务。@Componentpublic class CronTaskRegistrar implements DisposableBean { private final MapscheduledTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(16); @Autowired private TaskScheduler taskScheduler; public TaskScheduler getScheduler() { return this.taskScheduler; } public void addCronTask(Runnable task, String cronExpression) { addCronTask(new CronTask(task, cronExpression)); } public void addCronTask(CronTask cronTask) { if (cronTask != null) { Runnable task = cronTask.getRunnable(); if (this.scheduledTasks.containsKey(task)) { removeCronTask(task); } this.scheduledTasks.put(task, scheduleCronTask(cronTask)); } } public void removeCronTask(Runnable task) { ScheduledTask scheduledTask = this.scheduledTasks.remove(task); if (scheduledTask != null) scheduledTask.cancel(); } public ScheduledTask scheduleCronTask(CronTask cronTask) { ScheduledTask scheduledTask = new ScheduledTask(); scheduledTask.future = this.taskScheduler.schedule(cronTask.getRunnable(), cronTask.getTrigger()); return scheduledTask; } @Override public void destroy() { for (ScheduledTask task : this.scheduledTasks.values()) { task.cancel(); } this.scheduledTasks.clear(); }}添加定时任务示例类@Component("demoTask")public class DemoTask { public void taskWithParams(String params) { System.out.println("执行有参示例任务:" + params); } public void taskNoParams() { System.out.println("执行无参示例任务"); }}定时任务数据库表设计" data-itemshowtype="0" tab="innerlink" data-linktype="2"> @Configuration
public class SchedulingConfig {
public TaskScheduler taskScheduler() {
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
// 定时任务执行线程池核心线程数
return taskScheduler;
future; /** * 取消定时任务 */ public void cancel() { ScheduledFuture> future = this.future; if (future != null) { future.cancel(true); } }}添加Runnable接口实现类,被定时任务线程池调用,用来执行指定bean里面的方法。Spring Boot 学习笔记这个分享给你。public class SchedulingRunnable implements Runnable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchedulingRunnable.class); private String beanName; private String methodName; private String params; public SchedulingRunnable(String beanName, String methodName) { this(beanName, methodName, null); } public SchedulingRunnable(String beanName, String methodName, String params) { this.beanName = beanName; this.methodName = methodName; this.params = params; } @Override public void run() { logger.info("定时任务开始执行 - bean:{},方法:{},参数:{}", beanName, methodName, params); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { Object target = SpringContextUtils.getBean(beanName); Method method = null; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params)) { method = target.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName, String.class); } else { method = target.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName); } ReflectionUtils.makeAccessible(method); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params)) { method.invoke(target, params); } else { method.invoke(target); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(String.format("定时任务执行异常 - bean:%s,方法:%s,参数:%s ", beanName, methodName, params), ex); } long times = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; logger.info("定时任务执行结束 - bean:{},方法:{},参数:{},耗时:{} 毫秒", beanName, methodName, params, times); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; SchedulingRunnable that = (SchedulingRunnable) o; if (params == null) { return beanName.equals(that.beanName) && methodName.equals(that.methodName) && that.params == null; } return beanName.equals(that.beanName) && methodName.equals(that.methodName) && params.equals(that.params); } @Override public int hashCode() { if (params == null) { return Objects.hash(beanName, methodName); } return Objects.hash(beanName, methodName, params); }}添加定时任务注册类,用来增加、删除定时任务。@Componentpublic class CronTaskRegistrar implements DisposableBean { private final MapscheduledTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(16); @Autowired private TaskScheduler taskScheduler; public TaskScheduler getScheduler() { return this.taskScheduler; } public void addCronTask(Runnable task, String cronExpression) { addCronTask(new CronTask(task, cronExpression)); } public void addCronTask(CronTask cronTask) { if (cronTask != null) { Runnable task = cronTask.getRunnable(); if (this.scheduledTasks.containsKey(task)) { removeCronTask(task); } this.scheduledTasks.put(task, scheduleCronTask(cronTask)); } } public void removeCronTask(Runnable task) { ScheduledTask scheduledTask = this.scheduledTasks.remove(task); if (scheduledTask != null) scheduledTask.cancel(); } public ScheduledTask scheduleCronTask(CronTask cronTask) { ScheduledTask scheduledTask = new ScheduledTask(); scheduledTask.future = this.taskScheduler.schedule(cronTask.getRunnable(), cronTask.getTrigger()); return scheduledTask; } @Override public void destroy() { for (ScheduledTask task : this.scheduledTasks.values()) { task.cancel(); } this.scheduledTasks.clear(); }}添加定时任务示例类@Component("demoTask")public class DemoTask { public void taskWithParams(String params) { System.out.println("执行有参示例任务:" + params); } public void taskNoParams() { System.out.println("执行无参示例任务"); }}定时任务数据库表设计" data-itemshowtype="0" tab="innerlink" data-linktype="2"> public final class ScheduledTask {
volatile ScheduledFuture> future;
* 取消定时任务
public void cancel() {
ScheduledFuture> future = this.future;
if (future != null) {
future; /** * 取消定时任务 */ public void cancel() { ScheduledFuture> future = this.future; if (future != null) { future.cancel(true); } }}添加Runnable接口实现类,被定时任务线程池调用,用来执行指定bean里面的方法。Spring Boot 学习笔记这个分享给你。public class SchedulingRunnable implements Runnable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchedulingRunnable.class); private String beanName; private String methodName; private String params; public SchedulingRunnable(String beanName, String methodName) { this(beanName, methodName, null); } public SchedulingRunnable(String beanName, String methodName, String params) { this.beanName = beanName; this.methodName = methodName; this.params = params; } @Override public void run() { logger.info("定时任务开始执行 - bean:{},方法:{},参数:{}", beanName, methodName, params); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { Object target = SpringContextUtils.getBean(beanName); Method method = null; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params)) { method = target.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName, String.class); } else { method = target.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName); } ReflectionUtils.makeAccessible(method); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params)) { method.invoke(target, params); } else { method.invoke(target); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(String.format("定时任务执行异常 - bean:%s,方法:%s,参数:%s ", beanName, methodName, params), ex); } long times = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; logger.info("定时任务执行结束 - bean:{},方法:{},参数:{},耗时:{} 毫秒", beanName, methodName, params, times); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; SchedulingRunnable that = (SchedulingRunnable) o; if (params == null) { return beanName.equals(that.beanName) && methodName.equals(that.methodName) && that.params == null; } return beanName.equals(that.beanName) && methodName.equals(that.methodName) && params.equals(that.params); } @Override public int hashCode() { if (params == null) { return Objects.hash(beanName, methodName); } return Objects.hash(beanName, methodName, params); }}添加定时任务注册类,用来增加、删除定时任务。@Componentpublic class CronTaskRegistrar implements DisposableBean { private final MapscheduledTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(16); @Autowired private TaskScheduler taskScheduler; public TaskScheduler getScheduler() { return this.taskScheduler; } public void addCronTask(Runnable task, String cronExpression) { addCronTask(new CronTask(task, cronExpression)); } public void addCronTask(CronTask cronTask) { if (cronTask != null) { Runnable task = cronTask.getRunnable(); if (this.scheduledTasks.containsKey(task)) { removeCronTask(task); } this.scheduledTasks.put(task, scheduleCronTask(cronTask)); } } public void removeCronTask(Runnable task) { ScheduledTask scheduledTask = this.scheduledTasks.remove(task); if (scheduledTask != null) scheduledTask.cancel(); } public ScheduledTask scheduleCronTask(CronTask cronTask) { ScheduledTask scheduledTask = new ScheduledTask(); scheduledTask.future = this.taskScheduler.schedule(cronTask.getRunnable(), cronTask.getTrigger()); return scheduledTask; } @Override public void destroy() { for (ScheduledTask task : this.scheduledTasks.values()) { task.cancel(); } this.scheduledTasks.clear(); }}添加定时任务示例类@Component("demoTask")public class DemoTask { public void taskWithParams(String params) { System.out.println("执行有参示例任务:" + params); } public void taskNoParams() { System.out.println("执行无参示例任务"); }}定时任务数据库表设计" data-itemshowtype="0" tab="innerlink" data-linktype="2"> public class SchedulingRunnable implements Runnable {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchedulingRunnable.class);
private String beanName;
private String methodName;
private String params;
public SchedulingRunnable(String beanName, String methodName) {
this(beanName, methodName, null);
public SchedulingRunnable(String beanName, String methodName, String params) {
this.beanName = beanName;
this.methodName = methodName;
this.params = params;
public void run() {
logger.info("定时任务开始执行 - bean:{},方法:{},参数:{}", beanName, methodName, params);
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
Object target = SpringContextUtils.getBean(beanName);
Method method = null;
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params)) {
method = target.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName, String.class);
} else {
method = target.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params)) {
method.invoke(target, params);
} else {
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error(String.format("定时任务执行异常 - bean:%s,方法:%s,参数:%s ", beanName, methodName, params), ex);
long times = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
logger.info("定时任务执行结束 - bean:{},方法:{},参数:{},耗时:{} 毫秒", beanName, methodName, params, times);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
SchedulingRunnable that = (SchedulingRunnable) o;
if (params == null) {
return beanName.equals(that.beanName) &&
methodName.equals(that.methodName) &&
that.params == null;
return beanName.equals(that.beanName) &&
methodName.equals(that.methodName) &&
public int hashCode() {
if (params == null) {
return Objects.hash(beanName, methodName);
return Objects.hash(beanName, methodName, params);
future; /** * 取消定时任务 */ public void cancel() { ScheduledFuture> future = this.future; if (future != null) { future.cancel(true); } }}添加Runnable接口实现类,被定时任务线程池调用,用来执行指定bean里面的方法。Spring Boot 学习笔记这个分享给你。public class SchedulingRunnable implements Runnable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchedulingRunnable.class); private String beanName; private String methodName; private String params; public SchedulingRunnable(String beanName, String methodName) { this(beanName, methodName, null); } public SchedulingRunnable(String beanName, String methodName, String params) { this.beanName = beanName; this.methodName = methodName; this.params = params; } @Override public void run() { logger.info("定时任务开始执行 - bean:{},方法:{},参数:{}", beanName, methodName, params); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { Object target = SpringContextUtils.getBean(beanName); Method method = null; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params)) { method = target.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName, String.class); } else { method = target.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName); } ReflectionUtils.makeAccessible(method); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params)) { method.invoke(target, params); } else { method.invoke(target); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(String.format("定时任务执行异常 - bean:%s,方法:%s,参数:%s ", beanName, methodName, params), ex); } long times = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; logger.info("定时任务执行结束 - bean:{},方法:{},参数:{},耗时:{} 毫秒", beanName, methodName, params, times); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; SchedulingRunnable that = (SchedulingRunnable) o; if (params == null) { return beanName.equals(that.beanName) && methodName.equals(that.methodName) && that.params == null; } return beanName.equals(that.beanName) && methodName.equals(that.methodName) && params.equals(that.params); } @Override public int hashCode() { if (params == null) { return Objects.hash(beanName, methodName); } return Objects.hash(beanName, methodName, params); }}添加定时任务注册类,用来增加、删除定时任务。@Componentpublic class CronTaskRegistrar implements DisposableBean { private final MapscheduledTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(16); @Autowired private TaskScheduler taskScheduler; public TaskScheduler getScheduler() { return this.taskScheduler; } public void addCronTask(Runnable task, String cronExpression) { addCronTask(new CronTask(task, cronExpression)); } public void addCronTask(CronTask cronTask) { if (cronTask != null) { Runnable task = cronTask.getRunnable(); if (this.scheduledTasks.containsKey(task)) { removeCronTask(task); } this.scheduledTasks.put(task, scheduleCronTask(cronTask)); } } public void removeCronTask(Runnable task) { ScheduledTask scheduledTask = this.scheduledTasks.remove(task); if (scheduledTask != null) scheduledTask.cancel(); } public ScheduledTask scheduleCronTask(CronTask cronTask) { ScheduledTask scheduledTask = new ScheduledTask(); scheduledTask.future = this.taskScheduler.schedule(cronTask.getRunnable(), cronTask.getTrigger()); return scheduledTask; } @Override public void destroy() { for (ScheduledTask task : this.scheduledTasks.values()) { task.cancel(); } this.scheduledTasks.clear(); }}添加定时任务示例类@Component("demoTask")public class DemoTask { public void taskWithParams(String params) { System.out.println("执行有参示例任务:" + params); } public void taskNoParams() { System.out.println("执行无参示例任务"); }}定时任务数据库表设计" data-itemshowtype="0" tab="innerlink" data-linktype="2"> @Component
public class CronTaskRegistrar implements DisposableBean {
private final MapscheduledTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(16);
private TaskScheduler taskScheduler;
public TaskScheduler getScheduler() {
return this.taskScheduler;
public void addCronTask(Runnable task, String cronExpression) {
addCronTask(new CronTask(task, cronExpression));
public void addCronTask(CronTask cronTask) {
if (cronTask != null) {
Runnable task = cronTask.getRunnable();
if (this.scheduledTasks.containsKey(task)) {
this.scheduledTasks.put(task, scheduleCronTask(cronTask));
public void removeCronTask(Runnable task) {
ScheduledTask scheduledTask = this.scheduledTasks.remove(task);
if (scheduledTask != null)
public ScheduledTask scheduleCronTask(CronTask cronTask) {
ScheduledTask scheduledTask = new ScheduledTask();
scheduledTask.future = this.taskScheduler.schedule(cronTask.getRunnable(), cronTask.getTrigger());
return scheduledTask;
public void destroy() {
for (ScheduledTask task : this.scheduledTasks.values()) {
future; /** * 取消定时任务 */ public void cancel() { ScheduledFuture> future = this.future; if (future != null) { future.cancel(true); } }}添加Runnable接口实现类,被定时任务线程池调用,用来执行指定bean里面的方法。Spring Boot 学习笔记这个分享给你。public class SchedulingRunnable implements Runnable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchedulingRunnable.class); private String beanName; private String methodName; private String params; public SchedulingRunnable(String beanName, String methodName) { this(beanName, methodName, null); } public SchedulingRunnable(String beanName, String methodName, String params) { this.beanName = beanName; this.methodName = methodName; this.params = params; } @Override public void run() { logger.info("定时任务开始执行 - bean:{},方法:{},参数:{}", beanName, methodName, params); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { Object target = SpringContextUtils.getBean(beanName); Method method = null; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params)) { method = target.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName, String.class); } else { method = target.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName); } ReflectionUtils.makeAccessible(method); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params)) { method.invoke(target, params); } else { method.invoke(target); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(String.format("定时任务执行异常 - bean:%s,方法:%s,参数:%s ", beanName, methodName, params), ex); } long times = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; logger.info("定时任务执行结束 - bean:{},方法:{},参数:{},耗时:{} 毫秒", beanName, methodName, params, times); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; SchedulingRunnable that = (SchedulingRunnable) o; if (params == null) { return beanName.equals(that.beanName) && methodName.equals(that.methodName) && that.params == null; } return beanName.equals(that.beanName) && methodName.equals(that.methodName) && params.equals(that.params); } @Override public int hashCode() { if (params == null) { return Objects.hash(beanName, methodName); } return Objects.hash(beanName, methodName, params); }}添加定时任务注册类,用来增加、删除定时任务。@Componentpublic class CronTaskRegistrar implements DisposableBean { private final MapscheduledTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(16); @Autowired private TaskScheduler taskScheduler; public TaskScheduler getScheduler() { return this.taskScheduler; } public void addCronTask(Runnable task, String cronExpression) { addCronTask(new CronTask(task, cronExpression)); } public void addCronTask(CronTask cronTask) { if (cronTask != null) { Runnable task = cronTask.getRunnable(); if (this.scheduledTasks.containsKey(task)) { removeCronTask(task); } this.scheduledTasks.put(task, scheduleCronTask(cronTask)); } } public void removeCronTask(Runnable task) { ScheduledTask scheduledTask = this.scheduledTasks.remove(task); if (scheduledTask != null) scheduledTask.cancel(); } public ScheduledTask scheduleCronTask(CronTask cronTask) { ScheduledTask scheduledTask = new ScheduledTask(); scheduledTask.future = this.taskScheduler.schedule(cronTask.getRunnable(), cronTask.getTrigger()); return scheduledTask; } @Override public void destroy() { for (ScheduledTask task : this.scheduledTasks.values()) { task.cancel(); } this.scheduledTasks.clear(); }}添加定时任务示例类@Component("demoTask")public class DemoTask { public void taskWithParams(String params) { System.out.println("执行有参示例任务:" + params); } public void taskNoParams() { System.out.println("执行无参示例任务"); }}定时任务数据库表设计" data-itemshowtype="0" tab="innerlink" data-linktype="2"> @Component("demoTask")
public class DemoTask {
public void taskWithParams(String params) {
System.out.println("执行有参示例任务:" + params);
public void taskNoParams() {
Spring Boot 基础就不介绍了,推荐下这个实战教程:
public class SysJobPO {
* 任务ID
private Integer jobId;
* bean名称
private String beanName;
* 方法名称
private String methodName;
* 方法参数
private String methodParams;
* cron表达式
private String cronExpression;
* 状态(1正常 0暂停)
private Integer jobStatus;
* 备注
private String remark;
* 创建时间
private Date createTime;
* 更新时间
private Date updateTime;
public Integer getJobId() {
return jobId;
public void setJobId(Integer jobId) {
this.jobId = jobId;
public String getBeanName() {
return beanName;
public void setBeanName(String beanName) {
this.beanName = beanName;
public String getMethodName() {
return methodName;
public void setMethodName(String methodName) {
this.methodName = methodName;
public String getMethodParams() {
return methodParams;
public void setMethodParams(String methodParams) {
this.methodParams = methodParams;
public String getCronExpression() {
return cronExpression;
public void setCronExpression(String cronExpression) {
this.cronExpression = cronExpression;
public Integer getJobStatus() {
return jobStatus;
public void setJobStatus(Integer jobStatus) {
this.jobStatus = jobStatus;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public Date getCreateTime() {
return createTime;
public void setCreateTime(Date createTime) {
this.createTime = createTime;
public Date getUpdateTime() {
return updateTime;
public void setUpdateTime(Date updateTime) {
this.updateTime = updateTime;
jobList = sysJobRepository.getSysJobListByStatus(SysJobStatus.NORMAL.ordinal()); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(jobList)) { for (SysJobPO job : jobList) { SchedulingRunnable task = new SchedulingRunnable(job.getBeanName(), job.getMethodName(), job.getMethodParams()); cronTaskRegistrar.addCronTask(task, job.getCronExpression()); } logger.info("定时任务已加载完毕..."); } }}工具类SpringContextUtils,用来从spring容器里获取bean" data-itemshowtype="0" tab="innerlink" data-linktype="2">boolean success = sysJobRepository.addSysJob(sysJob);
if (!success)
return OperationResUtils.fail("新增失败");
else {
if (sysJob.getJobStatus().equals(SysJobStatus.NORMAL.ordinal())) {
SchedulingRunnable task = new SchedulingRunnable(sysJob.getBeanName(), sysJob.getMethodName(), sysJob.getMethodParams());
cronTaskRegistrar.addCronTask(task, sysJob.getCronExpression());
return OperationResUtils.success();
jobList = sysJobRepository.getSysJobListByStatus(SysJobStatus.NORMAL.ordinal()); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(jobList)) { for (SysJobPO job : jobList) { SchedulingRunnable task = new SchedulingRunnable(job.getBeanName(), job.getMethodName(), job.getMethodParams()); cronTaskRegistrar.addCronTask(task, job.getCronExpression()); } logger.info("定时任务已加载完毕..."); } }}工具类SpringContextUtils,用来从spring容器里获取bean" data-itemshowtype="0" tab="innerlink" data-linktype="2">boolean success = sysJobRepository.editSysJob(sysJob);
if (!success)
return OperationResUtils.fail("编辑失败");
else {
if (existedSysJob.getJobStatus().equals(SysJobStatus.NORMAL.ordinal())) {
SchedulingRunnable task = new SchedulingRunnable(existedSysJob.getBeanName(), existedSysJob.getMethodName(), existedSysJob.getMethodParams());
if (sysJob.getJobStatus().equals(SysJobStatus.NORMAL.ordinal())) {
SchedulingRunnable task = new SchedulingRunnable(sysJob.getBeanName(), sysJob.getMethodName(), sysJob.getMethodParams());
cronTaskRegistrar.addCronTask(task, sysJob.getCronExpression());
return OperationResUtils.success();
jobList = sysJobRepository.getSysJobListByStatus(SysJobStatus.NORMAL.ordinal()); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(jobList)) { for (SysJobPO job : jobList) { SchedulingRunnable task = new SchedulingRunnable(job.getBeanName(), job.getMethodName(), job.getMethodParams()); cronTaskRegistrar.addCronTask(task, job.getCronExpression()); } logger.info("定时任务已加载完毕..."); } }}工具类SpringContextUtils,用来从spring容器里获取bean" data-itemshowtype="0" tab="innerlink" data-linktype="2">boolean success = sysJobRepository.deleteSysJobById(req.getJobId());
if (!success)
return OperationResUtils.fail("删除失败");
if (existedSysJob.getJobStatus().equals(SysJobStatus.NORMAL.ordinal())) {
SchedulingRunnable task = new SchedulingRunnable(existedSysJob.getBeanName(), existedSysJob.getMethodName(), existedSysJob.getMethodParams());
return OperationResUtils.success();
jobList = sysJobRepository.getSysJobListByStatus(SysJobStatus.NORMAL.ordinal()); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(jobList)) { for (SysJobPO job : jobList) { SchedulingRunnable task = new SchedulingRunnable(job.getBeanName(), job.getMethodName(), job.getMethodParams()); cronTaskRegistrar.addCronTask(task, job.getCronExpression()); } logger.info("定时任务已加载完毕..."); } }}工具类SpringContextUtils,用来从spring容器里获取bean" data-itemshowtype="0" tab="innerlink" data-linktype="2">if (existedSysJob.getJobStatus().equals(SysJobStatus.NORMAL.ordinal())) {
SchedulingRunnable task = new SchedulingRunnable(existedSysJob.getBeanName(), existedSysJob.getMethodName(), existedSysJob.getMethodParams());
cronTaskRegistrar.addCronTask(task, existedSysJob.getCronExpression());
} else {
SchedulingRunnable task = new SchedulingRunnable(existedSysJob.getBeanName(), existedSysJob.getMethodName(), existedSysJob.getMethodParams());
jobList = sysJobRepository.getSysJobListByStatus(SysJobStatus.NORMAL.ordinal()); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(jobList)) { for (SysJobPO job : jobList) { SchedulingRunnable task = new SchedulingRunnable(job.getBeanName(), job.getMethodName(), job.getMethodParams()); cronTaskRegistrar.addCronTask(task, job.getCronExpression()); } logger.info("定时任务已加载完毕..."); } }}工具类SpringContextUtils,用来从spring容器里获取bean" data-itemshowtype="0" tab="innerlink" data-linktype="2">@Service
public class SysJobRunner implements CommandLineRunner {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SysJobRunner.class);
private ISysJobRepository sysJobRepository;
private CronTaskRegistrar cronTaskRegistrar;
public void run(String... args) {
// 初始加载数据库里状态为正常的定时任务
List jobList = sysJobRepository.getSysJobListByStatus(SysJobStatus.NORMAL.ordinal());
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(jobList)) {
for (SysJobPO job : jobList) {
SchedulingRunnable task = new SchedulingRunnable(job.getBeanName(), job.getMethodName(), job.getMethodParams());
cronTaskRegistrar.addCronTask(task, job.getCronExpression());
public class SpringContextUtils implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
throws BeansException {
SpringContextUtils.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public static Object getBean(String name) {
return applicationContext.getBean(name);
public static T getBean(Class requiredType) {
return applicationContext.getBean(requiredType);
public static T getBean(String name, Class requiredType) {
return applicationContext.getBean(name, requiredType);
public static boolean containsBean(String name) {
return applicationContext.containsBean(name);
public static boolean isSingleton(String name) {
return applicationContext.isSingleton(name);
public static Class extends Object> getType(String name) {
return applicationContext.getType(name);