差点因为 JSON.stringify 丢了奖金...
共 7188字,需浏览 15分钟
2022-06-27 22:10
翻译 | 杨小爱
英文 | https://medium.com/frontend-canteen/my-friend-almost-lost-his-year-end-bonus-because-of-json-stringify-9da86961eb9e
let data = {
signInfo: [
"fieldId": 539,
"value": "silver card"
"fieldId": 540,
"value": "2021-03-01"
"fieldId": 546,
"value": "10:30"
let data = {
signInfo: [
"fieldId": 539,
"value": undefined
"fieldId": 540,
"value": undefined
"fieldId": 546,
"value": undefined
let signInfo = [
fieldId: 539,
value: undefined
fieldId: 540,
value: undefined
fieldId: 546,
value: undefined
let newSignInfo = signInfo.map((it) => {
const value = typeof it.value === 'undefined' ? '' : it.value
return {
// '[{"fieldId":539,"value":""},{"fieldId":540,"value":""},{"fieldId":546,"value":""}]'
const jsonstringify = (data) => {
// Check if an object has a circular reference
const isCyclic = (obj) => {
// Use a Set to store the detected objects
let stackSet = new Set()
let detected = false
const detect = (obj) => {
// If it is not an object, we can skip it directly
if (obj && typeof obj != 'object') {
// When the object to be checked already exists in the stackSet,
// it means that there is a circular reference
if (stackSet.has(obj)) {
return detected = true
// save current obj to stackSet
for (let key in obj) {
// check all property of `obj`
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// After the detection of the same level is completed,
// the current object should be deleted to prevent misjudgment
For example: different properties of an object may point to the same reference,
which will be considered a circular reference if not deleted
let tempObj = {
name: 'bytefish'
let obj4 = {
obj1: tempObj,
obj2: tempObj
return detected
// Throws a TypeError ("cyclic object value") exception when a circular reference is found.
if (isCyclic(data)) {
throw new TypeError('Converting circular structure to JSON')
// Throws a TypeError when trying to stringify a BigInt value.
if (typeof data === 'bigint') {
throw new TypeError('Do not know how to serialize a BigInt')
const type = typeof data
const commonKeys1 = ['undefined', 'function', 'symbol']
const getType = (s) => {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(s).replace(/\[object (.*?)\]/, '$1').toLowerCase()
if (type !== 'object' || data === null) {
let result = data
// The numbers Infinity and NaN, as well as the value null, are all considered null.
if ([NaN, Infinity, null].includes(data)) {
result = 'null'
// undefined, arbitrary functions, and symbol values are converted individually and return undefined
} else if (commonKeys1.includes(type)) {
return undefined
} else if (type === 'string') {
result = '"' + data + '"'
return String(result)
} else if (type === 'object') {
// If the target object has a toJSON() method, it's responsible to define what data will be serialized.
// The instances of Date implement the toJSON() function by returning a string (the same as date.toISOString()). Thus, they are treated as strings.
if (typeof data.toJSON === 'function') {
return jsonstringify(data.toJSON())
} else if (Array.isArray(data)) {
let result = data.map((it) => {
// 3# undefined, Functions, and Symbols are not valid JSON values. If any such values are encountered during conversion they are either omitted (when found in an object) or changed to null (when found in an array).
return commonKeys1.includes(typeof it) ? 'null' : jsonstringify(it)
return `[${result}]`.replace(/'/g, '"')
} else {
// 2# Boolean, Number, and String objects are converted to the corresponding primitive values during stringification, in accord with the traditional conversion semantics.
if (['boolean', 'number'].includes(getType(data))) {
return String(data)
} else if (getType(data) === 'string') {
return '"' + data + '"'
} else {
let result = []
// 7# All the other Object instances (including Map, Set, WeakMap, and WeakSet) will have only their enumerable properties serialized.
Object.keys(data).forEach((key) => {
// 4# All Symbol-keyed properties will be completely ignored
if (typeof key !== 'symbol') {
const value = data[key]
// 3# undefined, Functions, and Symbols are not valid JSON values. If any such values are encountered during conversion they are either omitted (when found in an object) or changed to null (when found in an array).
if (!commonKeys1.includes(typeof value)) {
return `{${result}}`.replace(/'/, '"')