来源:Deephub Imba 本文约2500字,建议阅读10分钟
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def fourier_transform_1d(func, x, sort_results=False):
Computes the continuous Fourier transform of function `func`, following the physicist's convention
Grid x must be evenly spaced.
- func (callable): function of one argument to be Fourier transformed
- x (numpy array) evenly spaced points to sample the function
- sort_results (bool): reorders the final results so that the x-axis vector is sorted in a natural order.
Warning: setting it to True makes the output not transformable back via Inverse Fourier transform
- k (numpy array): evenly spaced x-axis on Fourier domain. Not sorted from low to high, unless `sort_results` is set to True
- g (numpy array): Fourier transform values calculated at coordinate k
x0, dx = x[0], x[1] - x[0]
f = func(x)
g = np.fft.fft(f) # DFT calculation
# frequency normalization factor is 2*np.pi/dt
w = np.fft.fftfreq(f.size)*2*np.pi/dx
# Multiply by external factor
g *= dx*np.exp(-complex(0,1)*w*x0)
if sort_results:
zipped_lists = zip(w, g)
sorted_pairs = sorted(zipped_lists)
sorted_list1, sorted_list2 = zip(*sorted_pairs)
w = np.array(list(sorted_list1))
g = np.array(list(sorted_list2))
return w, g
def inverse_fourier_transform_1d(func, k, sort_results=False):
Computes the inverse Fourier transform of function `func`, following the physicist's convention
Grid x must be evenly spaced.
- func (callable): function of one argument to be inverse Fourier transformed
- k (numpy array) evenly spaced points in Fourier space to sample the function
- sort_results (bool): reorders the final results so that the x-axis vector is sorted in a natural order.
Warning: setting it to True makes the output not transformable back via Fourier transform
- y (numpy array): evenly spaced x-axis. Not sorted from low to high, unless `sort_results` is set to True
- h (numpy array): inverse Fourier transform values calculated at coordinate x
dk = k[1] - k[0]
f = np.fft.ifft(func) * len(k) * dk /(2*np.pi)
x = np.fft.fftfreq(f.size)*2*np.pi/dk
if sort_results:
zipped_lists = zip(x, f)
sorted_pairs = sorted(zipped_lists)
sorted_list1, sorted_list2 = zip(*sorted_pairs)
x = np.array(list(sorted_list1))
f = np.array(list(sorted_list2))
return x, f
N = 2048
# Define the function f(x)
f = lambda x: np.where((x >= -0.5) & (x <= 0.5), 1, 0)
x = np.linspace(-1, 1, N)
plt.plot(x, f(x));
k, g = fourier_transform_1d(f, x, sort_results=True) # make it easier to plot
kk = np.linspace(-30,30, 100)
plt.plot(k, np.real(g), label='Numerical');
plt.plot(k, np.sin(k/2)/(k/2), linestyle='-.', label='Analytic (samples)')
plt.plot(kk, np.sin(kk/2)/(kk/2), linestyle='--', label='Analytic (full)')
plt.xlim(-30, 30)
k, g = fourier_transform_1d(f, x)
y, h = inverse_fourier_transform_1d(g, k, sort_results=True)
plt.plot(y, np.real(h), label='Numerical transform')
plt.plot(x, f(x), linestyle='--', label='Analytical')