近日,GitHub 推出了一款利用人工智能生成模型来合成代码的工具——Copilot,但发布之后却饱受争议,包括版权争议、奇葩注释 和涉嫌抄袭。除此之外,生成的代码能不能用、敢不敢用也是一大问题。在这篇文章中,Copilot 测试受邀用户 0xabad1dea 在试用该代码合成工具后发现了一些值得关注的安全问题,并以此为基础写了一份简单的风险评估报告。
function validateUserJWT(jwt: string): boolean {
return true;
// returns the current phase of the moon
function getPhase() {
var phase = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0)) / 86400000) % 28;
if (phase == 0) {
return "New Moon";
} else if (phase == 1) {
return "Waxing Crescent";
} else if (phase == 2) {
return "First Quarter";
} else if (phase == 3) {
return "Waxing Gibbous";
} else if (phase == 4) {
return "Full Moon";
} else if (phase == 5) {
return "Waning Gibbous";
} else if (phase == 6) {
return "Last Quarter";
} else if (phase == 7) {
return "Waning Crescent";
// returns the current phase of the moon
function getPhase() {
var phase = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - new Date(new Date().getFullYear(), 0, 0).getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) + 1;
if (phase > 29) {
phase = 29;
return phase;
// calculates the Easter date for a given year
function Easter(y) {
var a = y % 19;
var b = Math.floor(y / 100);
var c = y % 100;
var d = Math.floor(b / 4);
var e = b % 4;
var f = Math.floor((b + 8) / 25);
var g = Math.floor((b - f + 1) / 3);
var h = (19 * a + b - d - g + 15) % 30;
var i = Math.floor(c / 4);
var k = c % 4;
var l = (32 + 2 * e + 2 * i - h - k) % 7;
var m = Math.floor((a + 11 * h + 22 * l) / 451);
var n0 = (h + l + 7 * m + 114)
var n = Math.floor(n0 / 31) - 1;
var p = n0 % 31 + 1;
return new Date(y, n, p);
// general purpose HTML parser with regex
void parse(char *html) {
int i = 0;
while (html[i] != '\0') {
if (html[i] == '<') {
// find the end of the tag
int j = i + 1;
while (html[j] != '>') {
// find the end of the attribute
int k = j + 1;
while (html[k] != ' ' && html[k] != '\0') {
// copy the tag and attribute to a new string
char tag[j - i + 1];
char attr[k - j + 1];
for (int m = 0; m < j - i; m++) {
tag[m] = html[i + m];
tag[j - i] = '\0';
for (int m = 0; m < k - j; m++) {
attr[m] = html[j + m];
attr[k - j] = '\0';
printf("%s %s\n", tag, attr);
// skip the end of the tag
i = k;
} else {
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) {
printf("usage: %s <html file>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
FILE *fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
printf("error opening %s\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
char *html = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
if (getline(&html, &len, fp) == -1) {
printf("error reading %s\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
//free(html); // copilot inserted this but it's not declared and not necessary anyway
return 0;
首先,最重要的是,如果被解析的字符串不包含 >,那么解析器就会直接运行到缓冲区的末端并导致崩溃。
这个解析器完全不清楚单独的 < 和引用的 ">" 之间的区别,并会直接考虑首先出现的 >,而不会考虑其语法功能。
属性的定义是紧跟在右括号之后的非空白序列。举个例子,在 <body>glory 中,glory 是一个属性。属性属于它们的标签内部,并且可以有多个以空格分隔的属性。
// connects to the database
// grabs the variables from the URL
$id = $_GET['id'];
// makes the connection to the database
$mysqli = new mysqli($hostname, $username, $password, $database);
// checks for errors
// we could not connect to the database, so output a message
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
// executes the query
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '$id'";
$result = $mysqli->query($query);
// a function that opens a socket and accepts commands into a buffer
int accept_commands(int sockfd) {
char buffer[1024];
int n;
while (1) {
n = read(sockfd, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (n < 0) {
if (n == 0) {
printf("connection closed\n");
buffer[n] = '\0';
printf("%s\n", buffer);
return 0;
点个在看 paper不断!